
Trying to decide on RV-14 or 14A. Had my first ride in a tail wheel today...Pitts. stomach still feels pretty funky. Anyway, I found the view from the front seat extremely limited while taxiing. We had to zig-zag to clear all the way to/from the runway. Can anyone tell me how good/bad the view is while taxiing the RV-14? Thanks in advance.
No problem.

The nose gear RV’s all have excellent visibility on the ground. Zig-zagging is not at all unusual in taildraggers, as you mention.

The view is pretty good for a taildragger. At 5’ 9”, I can mostly see down the taxiway and need only the occasional little S turn for comfort.

The Pitts is very limited forward view comparatively and requires more aggressive turns for view.
I am in KPVF, not far from you and you are welcome to come and see a 14A to get a comparison. In any RVX-A tip-up, you will get a front row seating view on the ground or in the air and the 14A view is even better due to seat height position.
I am in KPVF, not far from you and you are welcome to come and see a 14A to get a comparison. In any RVX-A tip-up, you will get a front row seating view on the ground or in the air and the 14A view is even better due to seat height position.

If Mehrdad makes you an offer like this, I'd suggest you take him up on it in a heartbeat. There is only up-side to doing so and no down-side.

Having done a business transaction with him I can assure you Bavafa is a very straight shooter and a kind soul to boot. You will walk away from his hangar with a head full of information and a sense of intangibles that you hadn't even thought to consider.

Good luck in your decision-making!
Better than many tail draggers

I built the -14 and love it. I’m 6’3” and use very few S turns, however there are situations where I use them just to be sure I’m not missing anything. It’s a great tail dragger!
Trying to decide on RV-14 or 14A. Had my first ride in a tail wheel today...Pitts. stomach still feels pretty funky. Anyway, I found the view from the front seat extremely limited while taxiing. We had to zig-zag to clear all the way to/from the runway. Can anyone tell me how good/bad the view is while taxiing the RV-14? Thanks in advance.

Don’t use a Pitts a reference for an RV - on the ground it is one of the most blind taildraggers around.

As mentioned above, even the taildragger RVs have decent visibility over the nose (not as good as an A model, but decent for a taildragger).
At least the RV-8 has a fantastic view over the nose. Very similar to a Citabria. For me (6’2”) no S-turns required. The side-by-side might have a little bit of a blind spot on the right, looking across the cockpit, but nothing even remotely close to Pitts level visibility (or lack thereof)
Whats your height? I love my -14 and it has good vis over the nose but im tall too. Build the plane you want.
Thank you helpful as usual. BTW, I am currently 5’10”. Used to be 5’11”...I don’t know what’s happening with that. My wife says, “sit up straight!” Maybe she’s right.

Mehrdad...thank you for your generous offer. I will contact you when I’m headed up in that direction.
It's all in the seat cushions.....

Height should not be a factor in any airplane. With proper cushions everyone should have the same view.

I'm 5'4" and my Wife is 5'2" and we don't have visibility problems in any RV.
Thank you helpful as usual. BTW, I am currently 5’10”. Used to be 5’11”...I don’t know what’s happening with that. My wife says, “sit up straight!” Maybe she’s right.

Mehrdad...thank you for your generous offer. I will contact you when I’m headed up in that direction.

Btw, I live 10 minutes from Mehrdad and have a -14 you can sit in to compare. Hes got my number.
