
Active Member
Is there a checklist for RV 14 QB's? It is difficuly to determine what has and has not been completed. Any suggestions for obtaining a checklist of things that have been completed?

Van?s used to provide one, but has stopped. They would prefer we check each step in the plans to determine if it has been completed or not and act accordingly. Helps familiarize us with the entire structure, too. :D
I think the best way is to go thru the plans as if you were going to build those parts and as you go thru, check each part. In this, 1- you will confirm it has been done, 2- you will learn/know about that section and how it is done. It will help during maintenance at the minimum.
I appreciate your comments but I am a first time builder and to expect me to know parts, and where they are, is more than difficult. I ID parts by Van's part numbers. In a great number of cases it is difficult for me to look at the plans and find the correct part or even determine if the part has been installed, let alone correctly. I suppose I could go through all the parts supplied in my kit and determine where they belong and if parts adjacent to them are installed.

I do want to know that work completed by Van's has been done correctly, and I do look at work completed, but I feel like I waste so much time trying to determine what has been and has not been installed.

If someone has a completed operations for the QB 14, even if it is old, I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your assistance.
I appreciate your comments but I am a first time builder and to expect me to know parts, and where they are, is more than difficult. I ID parts by Van's part numbers. In a great number of cases it is difficult for me to look at the plans and find the correct part or even determine if the part has been installed, let alone correctly. I suppose I could go through all the parts supplied in my kit and determine where they belong and if parts adjacent to them are installed.

I do want to know that work completed by Van's has been done correctly, and I do look at work completed, but I feel like I waste so much time trying to determine what has been and has not been installed.

If someone has a completed operations for the QB 14, even if it is old, I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your assistance.

This is all part of the learning and building process, those who are multiple builders started probably at the same stage as you are on their first build. As you build the tail section, you will learn a great deal as what to look for. Furthermore, the parts are in the plan with both good description and pictures. It will not be hard to determine if it has been installed and/or if it has been installed correctly. When you get your wings, you might want to look into how to test the tank for leaks, though QB tanks have had a great success rate but it is wise to verify them.

Hope this helps.
On the QB kit, I have finished the empennage and in the process of closing the wings. I am about to start on the fuselage. So, I do have a limited amount of exposure but just thought there has to be a better mouse trap than trying to determine what has and has not been completed. It was easy for the fuselage as I installed all parts. It has been a challenge trying to determine what was and was not installed on the wings. I can see the fuselage is going to be even more of a challenge. I am sure that if I had more experience I would know the nomenclature of parts and could easily ID them.....I am not there yet.
Did you notice the section 4 parts list has a ?QB? column.

I used the index section number to sort parts (slow build).


I built a QB RV-14, currently 30.1 hours into phase 1 (but who?s counting?)

On both the QB wings and fuselage, i simply went thru each section of the plans and read each step and confirmed it was done, and as far as i could determine, done correctly. Yes, it took some time but it was time well spent. I became very familiar with the build, for one thing. I took ownership of it. There were a surprising number of aha moments when things were not exactly as expected. The plans and drawings are so good, it really doesn?t take that long; and believe me, you want to KNOW. It?s time well spent. I labeled every step that was completed ?QB? in my construction manual, and those that were not done or needed further work i dated and initialed when I completed them.

If I were to do it over, yeah, i would check every step. Also a first time builder.
Make sure the QB folks did your fuselage forward top sealant correctly ... it caused me some serious heartache :eek:

Besides this, which I should have caught, my QB fuse and wings had hardly any mistakes. Would definitely QB again.
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Errors in my QB wings...

I went through the plans for my QB wings and glad I did. Found several errors that had to be corrected. Mainly bushings that weren?t installed and not included with the parts supplied to me.

Do yourself a favor and go through all the plans extremely carefully.