
Well Known Member
Wondering if anyone who received QB ailerons around the middle of May or perhaps a little later received two right ailerons even though they may have been marked left and right. I received two that were back ordered and discovered today that I have two left ailerons even though they were marked left and right.
They should be checked visually. The width of the hinge brackets should be an indicator. The wide gap should be located at the inboard side of the wing.
Hi Glenn,
We received our quick build in June and had a backordered right aileron, however when we inventoried, we found that it was a right aileron that we received. It was marked left on the outside of the package but marked right on the aileron. It is indeed a right aileron. We notified Vans to correct the backorder but have yet to receive the correct part. Unfortunately we don't have a spare right one to trade.
I had that a few years ago with an RV8 kit.

I phoned Barb and said - hey, we have 2 right ailerons.......

She covered the phone and shouted to the office - We Found It !!!!

Oh my, how we laughed. All got sorted and I freighted to someone in the UK