Happy to give anyone a copy (I have emailed Carl a copy some time back). However I don't know how to attach or link a word document to the forum. Give me your email details and bingo its a done deal.
This is the first POH I have prepared and I used a lot of helpful material from Vansairforce home page POH section (left hand index on home page) and from Van's.

Hope it helps.

[email protected]
Wow, much more detailed than I expected. A little tweaking and I'm there. Thank you very much Alan.
Would it be possible to put your document somewhere where we could all have access to it, to keep from having to send it to all of us? I think there are probably 300+ RV-14 kits out there, and I am sure we will all eventually ask you for it. BTW: Thank you from all of us for offering your work to us!
Hey Alan,

I too am interested. If you are okay with it you can email me the POH and I can get it loaded up on the forum so everyone can have access to it without having to bother you. I totally understand if you want to keep control over who has access though. Either way I'd love a copy. [email protected]


You can find my very complete POH, checklists and flight test cards here in Word, OpenOffice and PDF formats.


Just a quick note on your very nice POH.

I see you have Vne listed in IAS. Van's letter on V speeds for the 14 show that the Vne for the 14 is for 200 KTAS. A subtle difference I know but it does make a difference at altitude.

On the G3x, I am able to enter Vne as TAS and then it is always making the calculations to keep the speed tape markings correct for IAS. It is interesting to see the red indication on the speed tape creep down well below 200 KIAS. It always indicates barber pole above 200 KIAS.
Just a quick note on your very nice POH.

I see you have Vne listed in IAS. Van's letter on V speeds for the 14 show that the Vne for the 14 is for 200 KTAS. A subtle difference I know but it does make a difference at altitude.

On the G3x, I am able to enter Vne as TAS and then it is always making the calculations to keep the speed tape markings correct for IAS. It is interesting to see the red indication on the speed tape creep down well below 200 KIAS. It always indicates barber pole above 200 KIAS.

Ah, yes, I still have it listed as KIAS in my checklist. Thanks for the nudge. Will fix and update.