
Active Member
I am wondering a bit as to the order of tasks for the riveting of the skin on the outboard leading edge. Reference 17-08, steps 3 and 4.

It seems to me that it would be easier to rivet the skin on first, and then run the pop rivets for the leading edge ribs to the spar second. It looks like there is plenty of room to run your arm in the lightning holes with a pop rivet gun and attach the ribs. I am hesitant to try to rivet the skin after the ribs are already mounted to the spar. It seems like a job to wrestle the skin while trying to make nice finished rivets.

Even easier would be to run the pop rivets through the spar with the manufactured head on the aft side, and not reach through the lightning holes. But I hesitate to do this even shorter cut, because normally you want the manufactured head on the thinner material.

Has any one tried and got away with swiching this order of steps?

Old thread but it's on the Wiki so adding a response.

Steps 3 and 4 on page 17-08 Rev 1 assumes you have already riveted the skin on per step 4 on page 17-06 Rev 0

Page 17-08 you are now attaching the completed leading edge assembly to the spar.
Answer from Van's

I am wondering a bit as to the order of tasks for the riveting of the skin on the outboard leading edge. Reference 17-08, steps 3 and 4.

It seems to me that it would be easier to rivet the skin on first, and then run the pop rivets for the leading edge ribs to the spar second. It looks like there is plenty of room to run your arm in the lightning holes with a pop rivet gun and attach the ribs. I am hesitant to try to rivet the skin after the ribs are already mounted to the spar. It seems like a job to wrestle the skin while trying to make nice finished rivets.

Even easier would be to run the pop rivets through the spar with the manufactured head on the aft side, and not reach through the lightning holes. But I hesitate to do this even shorter cut, because normally you want the manufactured head on the thinner material.

Has any one tried and got away with swiching this order of steps?


I reached out to Van's builder support and received the following response on this question:

Unless specifically called out rivet orientation is not critical, In this case the assembly is structurally sound either way. Builders choice in this case.