
Hello all: Looking for some info on the mid fuse brace, the item the seat backs rest against. Does this come welded in place or does the builder install? More importantly, is there any reason it could not be installed several inches aft (I would assume that would require some improvisation) -- without any structural compromise. I assume it "braces" the fuselage, but not clear that it needs to be in that precise location to do so. I am looking for ways to add a little more seating room.

Thanks, David Brody
Hello all: Looking for some info on the mid fuse brace, the item the seat backs rest against. Does this come welded in place or does the builder install? More importantly, is there any reason it could not be installed several inches aft (I would assume that would require some improvisation) -- without any structural compromise. I assume it "braces" the fuselage, but not clear that it needs to be in that precise location to do so. I am looking for ways to add a little more seating room.

Thanks, David Brody

It's builder installed, but moving it aft is not really feasible without making other major structural changes: it's tied into the same structure that forms the rollover bar, canopy deck, etc. and also the longerons. Also tied into the flap motor, flap motor cover: moving it would affect things like that and the tunnel covers. Additionally the torque tube that controls canopy latch pins attach to the back of this part so you'd have to completely re-design that. Really quite a bit of impact, and without full engineering analysis could have major implications on safety and structural stability. ALSO - weight and balance would become more of a concern as you'd effectively move CG aft which is not a desirable direction in this aircraft. I don't think it makes any sense to even consider such a change.

Have you sat in a -14? There's enough room for all but the tallest pilots. My 6'7" friend flew with me in mine and only issue was his headset headband hitting the canopy

Couple of photos showing all the structure tied into this part:


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f/u fuse brace

Thanks for the info -- certainly does look like a lot of structure there.

I haven't yet found a 14 to try out but I saw a 10 recently, which I believe is fairly similar. Still a bit tight, though I don't know in which position the rudder pedals had been set, so it's possible there may be a few more inches available there. I'm 6'5", but more in the legs, so seating has been an endless nemesis.

David Brody
Thanks for the info -- certainly does look like a lot of structure there.

I haven't yet found a 14 to try out but I saw a 10 recently, which I believe is fairly similar. Still a bit tight, though I don't know in which position the rudder pedals had been set, so it's possible there may be a few more inches available there. I'm 6'5", but more in the legs, so seating has been an endless nemesis.

David Brody

There are some pretty big guys flying -14's and if your height is more in the legs you should be fine: with rudder pedals full forward and seats back I doubt you'd have any issues. I suggest you find a -14/14A somewhere near you and sit in it.
Calling all 14's!

Thanks again. Yes, I will just need to try one on for size. I have managed to locate two 14's in progress in the area -- I'm in northern New Hampshire -- but I'm told they are not yet at the point at which one could sit in them; I'm hoping for spring or summer perhaps.

I did previously put out a call on this forum for a completed 14 anywhere in New England but no takers -- but I'll take this opportunity to send out the signal again.

David Brody
Have you contacted Zack the Van's Aircraft east coast rep?

He is at New Garden airport PA (not quite New England but close)

East Coast Representative:
Joe “Zack” Czachorowski
[email protected]
New Garden Airport (N57)
Chester County, PA
I’m 6’2” and I have the rudder and seat in the mid positions. I don’t think moving the midfuselage brace is needed and I doubt it can be done without major departure from plans.
New Garden

Yes, I am aware of the Pennsylvania site. Once the Covid has settled down I am hoping to go down for a demo flight but it does seem like a long way just to take two minutes to sit in the aircraft. But if nothing else develops closer to home I may do that.

Thanks for the response. David Brody
I’m 6’6”

and have pedals full forward and seat-back full aft. I have pedal extensions for improved rudder/brake pedal ergonomics. It’s totally comfortable. In cruise I can put my feet under the rudder pedals and my legs are totally straight. I’ve flown from Washington to Florida and back with a few 4 hour flights. More comfortable that a coach seat in an airliner.

Well this is all good information and very encouraging. I guess I just need to wait until I can try one on for size. Thanks to all for the input!