
Well Known Member
Like many others, I'm doing a regular build log at the address below but I thought I'd post a thread here for a couple reasons. 1. This is such a great family of friends with a great deal of knowledge. I'm more likely to get advice/correction/encouragement here. 2. Since there aren't any -14 My Build Project threads yet...For any prospective RV-14 builders that may come looking here...I'm a first timer so if I can do it, you can. So this is where I'm at:

I started on the left wing and I'll switch and catch up the right wing after I do the leading edge. I did one at a time since I've got limited space in the two car garage and so I'd only mess up one at a time. I've got the ribs and main spar on and I just finished dimpling and priming the top skins today.



There's more detail on my build log below but I'll try to keep this reasonably up to date and use it for questions etc.
Looking real good!

It's coming along nicely KC! Now I have to follow you on two build sites :D Keep up the good work - maybe I can stop by on my way to the next EAA meeting and check out the shop. And, I have to comment on your table "retracts"...as the son of an engineer, I can easily spot that you have developed a weight and cost saving design modification! Good on ya' KC! I love it.:)
back to things that I'm too terribly concerned about...

I've got about 1/2 of the rivets on the inboard skins for both wings. That's about all I could reach while riveting solo (without getting too creative). I've got help coming in a couple weeks.

Right Wing

And Left Wing

With a very understanding wife, I've been able to store the left wing in the spare bedroom closet

And now that it's time to set the right wing aside, I stole Tim Olson's wing cradle design and built a cradle for the right wing and eventually both. The outboard skin is clecoed on so I'll peel the blue vinyl later.

Now I'm working on leading edge ribs. I've completed final drilling, deburring, straightening and fluting. I polished (rounded) the nose of the ribs and I'm part ways through dimpling.
Slight Delay encountered...

Well, we've encountered a slight delay in the build process. Introducing my future bucking bar holder, Grayson. You can see, I properly represented Van's at the hospital. Hey, I knew there would be pictures taken, I had to dress appropriately...

Now I see what I have to do to make the front page! :D A huge welcome from the VAF family to Grayson...it's newest member!! So happy for you and Ashley - let the "other" journey begin!
Finally, an answer to that tailcone bucking problem about a year from now. Congratulations.

We're going to start training with a tungsten bar soon. If he catches on, I'll hire him out until that growth spurt hits. No one tell his mom.
Congratulations! I know.... These kids just show up out of nowhere and derail the whole build. I have one that actually has the nerve to want to go to college right now, so inconvenient :)

Keep building and enjoying him. They grow up fast!
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