
Well Known Member
Airplane gods,
Are there any builders in the vicinity of Camas Washington, building the 14? (or really, ANY of the vans kits)
I have a “14” tail kit in my garage…staring at me….mocking me… completely untouched. Been that way for three months…The rest of the QB stuff will be here this summer… :-/
I retired, and decided to “finally” build one…. except it’s not happening… I just can’t get started. Took the weekend class…bought the tools… built the tool box…but it still sits there…(honestly? it looks like a monkey built it…and not one of the smart astronaut monkeys…more like a congressman or a senator monkey)
If you are close to my part of southern washington, (near Vancouver) I’d love to speak with you. Maybe I just need someone to throw down the drill sergeant thing on me to motivate me… I dunno.
Message me and we can trade numbers. I need… “something” … Dunno what tho…

It is too bad we are not close to one another. I have been offering build assist and have time to help.

Here is a perspective you might think about.

There are many situations that will arise during a homebuilt airplane project that will really deflate motivation. The range of mistakes that require a bit of backtracking is endless, and most builders make a few. Most builders dive in initially with enthusiasm and motivation, and still hit these spots. It might be as minor as dimpling the wrong side of a skin, or drilling a left-side pattern on the right side of a part. Sometimes it means ordering a replacement part and associated shipping and time delay. Other times a builder will just get stumped for awhile, or at a decision cross road. In many of these situations, it takes a while to get re-motivated and start up again. We have all been there. Yet most people find the build process very rewarding and enjoyable. Some don't, and decide to buy a flying airplane instead.

What I am getting at is that if you find you are struggling to get up the motivation to even get started, then you might re-consider whether the project is right for you. It is a big undertaking. Maybe all it would take to get started is someone to hold your hand a little, and be available to advise when you are stumped. That would be great. Fantastic. And we will all be here to help you figure stuff out as you go. But maybe a project like this isn't for you? No one can know that but you. I'm just offering this as something for you to think about.

Go For It!

Airplane gods,
Are there any builders in the vicinity of Camas Washington, building the 14? (or really, ANY of the vans kits)
I have a “14” tail kit in my garage…staring at me….mocking me… completely untouched. Been that way for three months…The rest of the QB stuff will be here this summer… :-/
I retired, and decided to “finally” build one…. except it’s not happening… I just can’t get started. Took the weekend class…bought the tools… built the tool box…but it still sits there…(honestly? it looks like a monkey built it…and not one of the smart astronaut monkeys…more like a congressman or a senator monkey)
If you are close to my part of southern washington, (near Vancouver) I’d love to speak with you. Maybe I just need someone to throw down the drill sergeant thing on me to motivate me… I dunno.
Message me and we can trade numbers. I need… “something” … Dunno what tho…

A couple hours south of you in Eugene, OR is probably the best build assist company in the country.

My suggestion is to call them, schedule yourself for Fundamentals and an Empennage Build class and get the tail kit completed in two weeks.

At that point, you should have a pretty good idea if you have skills and temperament to go further - or cut your losses and sell the completed tail feathers.

Steve’s comments are dead on. Airplane building is not for everyone. You may find you love it, but in my opinion - going to Synergy is a really good way to figure it out.
Forget about it….

Airplane gods,
Are there any builders in the vicinity of Camas Washington, building the 14? (or really, ANY of the vans kits)
I have a “14” tail kit in my garage…staring at me….mocking me… completely untouched. Been that way for three months…


You should throw in the towel and sell me your empennage for pennies on the dollar. Can you deliver it to SoCal too please?


Ok, I’m comfortable making this “humorous” comment because you will get a ton of excellent suggestions on this forum AND you are a stone’s throw away from the mothership so all will be well.

BTW, I’m available weekdays as well as weekends for delivery.

I too, was hesitant…

I could not get started out of concern that I did not have acceptable aluminum working skills. I decided to build practice kits until, like the evolution of man, I was walking upright. I think I did 7 before I felt I was ready. (Vans: RV TRAINING PROJECT-1)

Six years later…


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I could not get started out of concern that I did not have acceptable aluminum working skills. I decided to build practice kits until, like the evolution of man, I was walking upright. I think I did 7 before I felt I was ready. (Vans: RV TRAINING PROJECT-1)

Six years later…

Makes me think of a pic I saw online and saved:
I’ll keep you in mind as I sort this out. ;-) hahaha. Wise cracks are allowed and even encouraged with me…

So, I called U2drvr, as he lives close by, and he graciously offered a tour of his project and shop. In a word? WOW. His will be a really nice example. (Thanks Brian!)
Lotta wisdom here for sure. Thank you ALL for the replies…
No decision yet. Should hear back from Vans today with answers to a couple things I asked about.
Thank you again fellas.

You should throw in the towel and sell me your empennage for pennies on the dollar. Can you deliver it to SoCal too please?


Ok, I’m comfortable making this “humorous” comment because you will get a ton of excellent suggestions on this forum AND you are a stone’s throw away from the mothership so all will be well.

BTW, I’m available weekdays as well as weekends for delivery.

The worst thing that can happen is that you ruin a lot of the kit. Money spent on training I’d say. I had a little bin of shame and reordered some screw ups. It’s all for fun so just pull out the parts and cleco them together. Drill a few holes. See how it goes. Learn new techniques in the scraps they send. Ask for an envelope of scrap if you don’t have enough. The aluminum angles at Lowe’s are great for practicing countersink.
Closing the loop here…

Thank you all for the sage wisdom and advice. I’ve decided to set this project aside until I’m actually “jonesing” to do it. I’ve had the kit sitting there, but always find something else, ANYTHING else to do. I’ve come to the decision, that as much as I WANTED to be a builder, right now I much more enjoy flying and fixing… my honest self eval is I’m just not “that guy” … (yet?) i Might Re approach the idea after I get past a couple “life hurdles” tho…
Tough decision, tougher than I thought, but… there it is.
Thanks again everyone.