Tom Martin

Well Known Member
I aligned the front and rear fuselage floor sections today. Like the RV10 these parts are built separately and then joined together on the bench. All the seat ribs and baggage ribs are fitted and riveted to the bulkheads and floors. The forward and aft belly skins lined up perfectly.
There are some very nicely machined aluminum spacers that bolt between the forward and rear spar carry through pieces. Fuselage longeron and side skins are next on the list!

Great job

Looks good Tom. Wish I was that far along. I'm about 85% wings, 90% empennage. Just did fuse inventory. Seems like fuse will be LOTS MORE work.
I'm 1st timer.
How hard has the fuse been compared to the first two kits?
Merry Christmas!!!
Today I drilled out the side flanges and then tipped the fuse on it's side as suggested in the plans.


I used a slightly different wooden piece, (old chunk of black cherry milled to correct thickness), then was recommended, and added a couple of 2 by 12 feet to add stability. This whole mess was then screwed to a picnic table. Picnic tables are great for this kind of work as they have a place to sit for the low work and a place to stand for the high stuff!


Gary Wilcox, my dumb bucker of a friend, came over to give me a hand, and three hours later we had the two halves riveted together and the fuse set down again. Just for fun I laid the floor panels in and everything seems to line up!
On to the side skins.

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Thanks for the pictures of your progress on the Fuse. please keep them coming. It is definitely inspiring.


Tom as of tonight you are ahead of me, you have the floor panels test fitted. I just finished and put my riveted sections back on the table from laying on it's side as in your pictures.
Well Ron the next two weeks are your big chance to move ahead. We have a jam packed xmas holiday season coming up. January is my month to lock myself in the barn with my wood stove and push the project forward.
I am enjoying this kit, it is kind of like the models we use to build as kids, part A fits into part B. And if part A does not fit part B you have done something wrong. The fuselage is always the most enjoyable portion of an airplane. There is a lot of duplicate parts in the wings and tail and it can get tedious. This is a very nice and well thought out kit.