
Since the RV14 is using a shortened version of the RV10 wing, I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to use the fuel tanks from the 10 in the construction of the 14's wings? Seems like an inexpensive and simple way to add a little fuel capacity...

In aircraft construction, just about anything is possible, but this would require major modification (making some of your own skins, reposition ribs to spar locations they were not meant to be, etc.), not to mention miss match for tank attach Z bracket locations.
Hello RV

I wasn't sure which part of the wing had been modified and was just thinking it might be possible to add some capacity. Thanks,
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Free extra range!

Rock...for another view/datapoint:

I told my wife that I can take her son back to the Marine base for $156 worth of fuel each way = $312 total...then I added, "But I could run lean-of-peak for around $220 total."

Her obvious reaction was, "Well, why don't you?" So I mumbled something about not wanting to give up 12 MPH to do so.

I did the trip LOP and my usual 4 hour range became 5 1/2, according to my Dynon! It only added 5 minutes extra, each way, on the 600 mile roundtrip, and my range went from the usual 800 miles to well over 1,000.

Still think you need bigger tanks?:)

Extended Range Fuel Tanks

Has anyone who has started to build their RV 14 Wings decided to install Extended Range Fuel Tanks? I am considering doing this and was wondering if anyone has come up with any ideas on ways to accomplish it. I recently saw an aircraft with extended range tanks which were installed in the outboard area of the wing. The owner simply installed two standard tanks in each wing, which doubled his capacity. He only filled the outer tanks on long cross country flights. Seemed simple and he said it required little modification. Has anyone done this or heard of this technique?

The other option I'm considering is the Safeair tanks, but they add little fuel and haven't been made available for the 14, yet.

Thanks, Rock
Has anyone who has started to build their RV 14 Wings decided to install Extended Range Fuel Tanks? I am considering doing this and was wondering if anyone has come up with any ideas on ways to accomplish it. I recently saw an aircraft with extended range tanks which were installed in the outboard area of the wing. The owner simply installed two standard tanks in each wing, which doubled his capacity. He only filled the outer tanks on long cross country flights. Seemed simple and he said it required little modification. Has anyone done this or heard of this technique?

The other option I'm considering is the Safeair tanks, but they add little fuel and haven't been made available for the 14, yet.

Thanks, Rock

I wrote to SafeAir1 last week asking if they had any plans for tank bungs and wing tip tanks (ER tanks) for the -14. The answer was... Negative. They said that since current fuel capacity is 50 gal, they don't feel like anybody would really think of planning a flight leg any longer than 6hrs.

As for me, I'm still considering installing the bungs (from a -10 kit?) on both tanks and screw a plug into them. Perhaps if other -14 builders make an inquiry as well, they may change their mind and decide to supply a bung kit for the -14. Any thoughts on that?