Lead time

Order form is updated with price for the finish kit: 11755

So I guess we can order now and expect 10-12 weeks delivery time? :)

I don't think it will be a long lead time. The hold time has been specific to a couple of parts of the kit different than the 14A. Now that they have that resolved, they should be able to ship the kits relatively quickly. Of course, that's my guess, I don't work for Van's.
Finish Kit

Receved RV14 Finish Kit Yesterday 11-10-2015

First impression is how big (and heavy) the landing gear and engine mount are.
The angle valve is heavier than a parallel valve.
I receved all the parts including the canopy struts, springs, that were backordered in the fuselage kit.
All the parts look quality +!
So,,,, it is back to work today. This 14 is going to be a super nice airplane, looking forward to flying it.
Congrats Jay,
It looks like it's between you and us as to who will have the first one flying. You will love the way the finish kit comes together. Very little adjusting of any parts including the canopy and the cowl. If we had the FWF kit, we would be flying by January. Here is where we are so far: Canopy done, cowl done and engine in place.
14 or 14A finish kit

Question for those who have the finish kit. Are the wheels and tires 6 inch (like the 10) or 5 inch as with other models
Rv14 wheels

Question for those who have the finish kit. Are the wheels and tires 6 inch (like the 10) or 5 inch as with other models

5 inch Grove U55-204 wheels with Aero Classic 5.00-5 tires. Type III 6 ply
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