
Well Known Member
Just wondering if the IO-360 C1C would work on the RV 14? This is a 200 HP Angle valve engine off of a Arrow.
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Yes the IO360

Yes you may use the IO360 on your RV14A. Check out the "Engine Choices" thread in which I have written about a number of elements I have done in building mine to match and exceed the 210 hp of the IO390. I would be happy to discuss this with you further. [email protected]
I have nothing to push or sell
I only have about 40 hrs in an Arrow III, but I remember those engines had aft induction. The engine setup for the RV-14 uses forward induction. You might need to swap out the intake to move the throttle body around to the forward side.
Yes forward face sump

Yes the FF sump is a must to have all the plastic fit without the lower intake. There is no need in doing that. After all I want most to be true to the 14 goals. I traded mine for the forward sump with Colorado Aircraft Parts. They have been very reasonable in their pricing and availability of quality used parts! One could plug the back and machine the front, but easier to do it the way I did.