
After years of waiting, wishing and wanting, I finally made the decision today and ordered the empennage and wing kits today. Oh happy day!!! First time builder, and nervous and excited as a kid on his first date.
Welcome aboard. You will find VAF to be one of your best resources for answers to questions and when there isn't someone close by to ask they are rarely farther than a post away. I too am a first time builder and already consider my membership donation to VAF to be the best money I have spent yet.

What kit number did you get?

Spend some time while waiting on kits to poke around in here on tips and threads for shop setup, tools, techniques and most important make VAF one of your home page tabs and a daily visit, for information and education, encouragement and a few laughs.

Again welcome aboard.
Welcome to the club :)

Just remember this is most likely the neatest you will ever see your shop. OK.. Maybe just after inventory as well with everything "in it's place".

I ordered both at the same time as well, and started with the wings due to space concerns. Keep us informed on your progress.
Thanks for the encouragement. I ordered the tools, the shop is almost ready, I have the EAA RV Assembly class in about a week and my VAF dues are in the mail. Things are coming together.