
Well Known Member
Hey? any chance the current RV-14 builder's have an opportunity to set up an appointment for a demo ride in the -14 in advance at sun-n fun? It would really help me schedule my time as I am only going for a few days. I think it would really be a nice "thank you" for some current builders. It would really be motivational as well, for me, experience how it handles in the air, not just on the ground! Any chance? Thanks Guy's!:cool:
I was lucky enough to get a ride in the -14 and all in all, it's sweet. It's hard to tell just how good it is in such a short period of time. The only aspect of it I did not care for is having to step on the seat cushion to get in and out, which is certainly not a deal breaker. I might have to change my screen name to Dave14 soon!!!