
Well Known Member
I got a demo ride in the -14 at Oshkosh. Got to the Van's booth at 8:30 am and got a ticket for a ride for Tuesday morning. The rides were scheduled for 1/2 hour.

Wow the ride was fun and I finally know what the plane I am building will fly like. Mike Seager was the pilot. After lining up on the 36L, the controller told us to take a right turn as soon as we could after take off and "DO NOT pass the tower". Almost as soon as we got off the ground, Mike made a 45 degree climbing bank turn. Not sure what the vertical climb rate was since I was looking out the window, but it was impressive. After the turn, we then climbed to 2K and 2,000 fpm. After hitting 2,000', I flew the plane across the lake and did a few turns. We had to stay out the the way of a group of four T-6s in formation over land on the other side of the lake. Mike then demoed a stall, then steep banks to both sides (to demo the roll rate-WOW), followed by a wing over turn (double WOW). The latter was really cool, especially since I have never been in a plane when one was done. We then headed back across the lake and ended up about 1-2 miles behind the T6 formation at the same altitude. We got cleared to land and then the controller told us to watch out for the B-17 (really???). Then I spotted the B17 about 500-1000' above us. It passed over us at a 45 degree angle to our path. Really really cool. I doubt I will ever see that again from the air.

We landed long on 36R. Mike kept it off the RW for a long way down the runway, then greased the landing

People can debate all they want about which RV to build, but I am very happy with the choice. Spacious, spectacular view, and awesome to fly.

I would love to have a ride in the -14 demonstrator one day! Your flight sounds amazing!
I took my ride at Sun n Fun here in Florida this year and that was it for me. Experi- Mentally Committed!

Good luck.
I got my ride last year at OSH. Mike Seager took me up. I was kinda sure that the RV 14 was my project to be, but after having to check if I had wet my shorts, I was sure that this was it. Very impressive.