
Well Known Member
For those interested, would it be possible to add a link to your build site to this thread?
I had a pretty good collection of sites bookmarked, but recently had my suitcase (laptop included) stole from a hotel. I am in the process of re-bookmarking, but I can only add the sites when someone makes a post. This thread could be a one-stop shop.
I enjoy following along other builders projects and find these sites every helpful when starting a new section.
I realize most of us aren't professional builders and these sites are "advisory in nature". However, there appear to be some very creative folks out there and I appreciate the opportunity to "borrow" some of their ideas on occasion:).
Thanks for those willing to participate!
My meandering thought stream more than a builders log is in my signature.

I have been focusing on keeping my momentum, I do log each session in a spreadsheet with just a sentence or two so the blog is more a mood check each month or so.

Thanks guys for listing your sites. Looks we have a nice mix of experienced builders and newbies like myself. Good info to be had in all though.
Hopefully more sites will be listed as the 14 community continues to grow.
Now get off the computer and "Build On"!:)