I'm looking at page 10-20 and on figures 1 & 2 it appears the nutplates are installed on the outside of the skin. This makes no sense to me. Shouldn't all the nutplates be inside? Also, why do I need to machine countersink the top two nunplates around the inspection cover in figure 2.
Any help would be appreciated - John
Visual Illusions

Hope this helps.

1. The nutplates are on the inside of the longerons and skin, the photo simply appears as an optical illusion since they want you to see the nutplates. If the nutplates were behind the skin in the picture then they wouldn't do much good.

2. You need to machine countersink the top 2 nutplates on the inspection cover because they sit on the longerons which is thick metal as opposed to the other nutplates that attach to the skin that is subsequently dimpled.

Hopefully this answers the questions
Your first answer is what I expected but I wanted to make sure. Thank you. As to the countersinking, are you saying I need to countersink the machine screw holes through the skin and into the longeron? If so I wish I would have done the longeron when I countersunk all the other holes then dimpled the skin when I did all the others on that as well
I would have to re read the directions, but I am pretty sure I machine countersunk the Longeron then dimpled the skin to nestle inside the countersink.
Since I've riveted the entire skin in place, at this time I'll have to countersink both the skin and longeron together. Good thing it's not structural. It is after all just for a coverplate. Thanks again for your help - John
You only need to countersink the skin on the top two nut plates if you are doing the Flush Inspection Plate option. See page 10-20 where it shows this as an ?only do this if you want a flush plate?
You only need to countersink the skin on the top two nut plates if you are doing the Flush Inspection Plate option. See page 10-20 where it shows this as an “only do this if you want a flush plate”

While true for the screw hole, the skin still needs to be countersink / dimpled for the -3 rivets that hold the nutplate.
Illustration convention-

Consider how the nutplates and the fuselage tail cone is depicted.

The nutplates are solid/dark, and they are showing the backsides towards you.

The fuselage is shown ghosted/lightly, appearing as if you have x-ray vision.

This kind of illustration is used a lot throughout the instructions.