
Well Known Member

I am trying to put together a contact list for RV12 owners (regardless if airplane is completed or not) in Texas for possible future fly-ins, lunches, formation flying, etc. So far, I have found 14 RV12 owners (using public forums) and I would like to get your phone numbers and emails, etc to complete the list. I will share this list with each of you after completion. I have some information already on a few, but if anyone objects to releasing your information, just let me know. My email is [email protected]. RV12 Owners in other states are welcome to be included if you wish.
I'm trying to collect the following:
N Number
Forum Name
Home Airport Name and ID
Serial Number

Thank you, :)
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Hi Steve,

Great idea. Maybe we can organize a spring flyin that will give everbody a chance to blow out the cob webs. I appreciate your willingness to consolidate the RV 12 owner data. This would be a good opportunity to share ideas etc. I think I could get the local EAA guys to help put on a flyin at Wharton, KARM. We're just itching to get something going and see some new planes. Let me know if I can help.

Gary Eldridge

Airport: KARM
Aw we can do better than that, why not come down to the beautiful lower Rio Grande Valley. I can make the local EAA Chapter go for anything! Pick a few oranges and grapefruit while you are here, or run across to Mexico for cheap booze and medicine..
Growing list

Hi Gary, So far I have 17 names from TX (not all have responded yet) and 1 from NM. Good seeing you the other day! I thought Cy was really cool! He must have many a good story to tell of B-24s. :)
"Good seeing you the other day! I thought Cy was really cool! He must have many a good story to tell of B-24s."

Perhaps you have me mixed up with another person? Wherever an RV-12 gathering (or other RV gathering) was recently, I haven't been there. My wife has had me at home building fence around a 3-acre pasture to contain our crazy dogs....while my -12 kits sit waiting for more 'attention' :(
Surely you don't fall for hype and rumors like that. We have not had a murder, mugging, or robbery in 20 years at our border town, you probably cannot say the same about your hometown.
Now if you want to elbow in on some drug smuggling, better have your life insurance paid up.

Tempt me with that 3-4 years ago, and I'm there! Not any longer. Too dangerous, mi amigo! I've got an airplane that can't build itself if I am pushing daisies!
Hi Steve,

Si does have some stories. He was shot down in a B24 over the Bay of Biscay on August 18, 1943 where he ditched the plane with only one engine with partial power. He and 5 other survivors spent 5 days floating in a raft before being rescued by the HMS Nene. He later transfered to the States where he became an instructer for crews heading for combat overseas. He says tongue in cheek that was probably more dangerous than combat. He also flew several experimental combat planes that never made it to production, flew with Paul Tibbets etc. I feel priveledged to have him for a father in law. This year at age 92 he flew my RV 12 around the pasture also. He truly is an aviator.

Gary Eldridge