Are you going to be Flying your RV-12 to OSH?

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Well Known Member
I'm starting a thread to see how many RV-12's will be at Oshkosh this year. If we have a reasonable number maybe we could request a reserved area for RV-12's.
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Have to finish the canopy (it's almost warm enough), get our inspection and hopefully fly off 10 or so hours before launching from CA, but plan on being there, with or without paint.
If we have a reasonable number maybe we could request a reserved area for RV-12's.
While I encourage as many RV-12ers as possible to come to the show, a reserved area for parking is just not feasible, for a number of reasons. The only RVs that get their own area are the -10s due to their size.
Can I come without?

I'm planning to come in a big silver bird. My 12 should be virtually done by then, but not ready for an Atlantic crossing ;-)

Delighted for the opportunity to meet other RV-12ers.

For those who have purchased wheel fairings, is is feasible to bring these back as airline checked baggage?

As it looks now - yes

I would like to meet and fly in as a group, in trail, so we can get parked in the same relative area. I think anyone interested in the RV-12 would like to be able to see more than one here and there. We can work out details a couple weeks in advance ( I hope ) !

John Bender
fly in as a group, in trail, so we can get parked in the same relative area.
This is your best option if you want to park together, as we park RVs in the order that they taxi in. However, no battle plan ever survives it's initial contact with Fisk, so even if you start out together, you may not end up that way by the time you taxi in. Arriving at non-peak times (like before 9AM) increases your chances of pulling this off.
For those who have purchased wheel fairings, is is feasible to bring these back as airline checked baggage?


It a big box. I'm gonna guess 20" x 20" x 36". E-mail Vans for the exact dimensions.
N124CS hopes to be there...

I would like to meet and fly in as a group, in trail, so we can get parked in the same relative area. I think anyone interested in the RV-12 would like to be able to see more than one here and there. We can work out details a couple weeks in advance ( I hope ) !

John Bender

Carrie and I are planning to make OSH for the week. Our 12 should fly for the first time in mid-June and hopefully we will be ready for a long cross country flight by the end of July. We are going to camp with the airplane this trip instead of roughing it at the Hilton...that will be the real test of cross country in an RV-12 for the Sluiter's!

Jay and Carrie Sluiter
Albany, OR
RV12 at oshkosh

My 12 is all but finished but my wife and i will be flying in the big bird from aussie to LA then slowly driving via Vegas etc.Look forward to meeting you all.

I will be there. I am concerned about the amount of ground run time required to depart Oshkosh. I have done it before and spent a lot of time at idle and shut down waiting. The -12 doesn't seem too happy with a lot of ground idle time even here in cool climate. I will probably fly into Appleton. See you there.

RV12s to OSH

Here is an earlier thread that was started on RV12s going to OSH. Im leaving from Texas on the 26 to. If any Texas Guys want to hook up and fly as a group let me know. John

RV12 Flying N1212K
I will be there. I am concerned about the amount of ground run time required to depart Oshkosh. I have done it before and spent a lot of time at idle and shut down waiting. The -12 doesn't seem too happy with a lot of ground idle time even here in cool climate. I will probably fly into Appleton. See you there.


Hmmmm....The red demonstrator (N412RV) hopped demo rides at least four days at Osh last years. Sometimes spending as much as 15 minutes on the taxiway...never any temperature problems.
I will be there, but likely w/o the 12. May take a week or so to resolve the ignition problem and then have to fly off 25 hrs. I would appreciate being kept up to date on where to meet etc. Would like to meet other 12 drivers and see their products. Thanks
Dick Seiders


Just out of curiosity, where did you get a 25 hour fly-off? Is your 12 an EAB instead of an ELSA?
No, mine is an ELSA as produced under Van's plans. Actually it was the FAA who inspected my 12 and they were concerned with the fact I have no geared engine time???? Don't believe that is a factor, but I would not argue after failing to negotiate it down a bit. They advised me the range is 5 to 100 hrs so they felt they were giving me a break. I am happy it is inspected and will be ready to go after ignition propblem is resolved. The 25 is not that big a deal. I believe it will take me 15 or so to do all the requested work under the PAP.
Dick Seiders