
Fellow RV12 pilots. I am looking for some guidance on something I observed today during pattern work. I was getting pretty frequent stall warning (audible and dynon console light) during downwind, base, and final, although my IAS were within normal ranges. I have not seen this before and when looking at my dynon user data downloads, prior to today, the stall warning rarely went off except in final flair, but today it was activating pretty frequently. The stall warning vane on the wing does not appear to my untrained eye as bent or bounded up. Any ideas on steps to track down what is going on?

Thanks in advance,

Happen to me occasionally too, in the pattern particularly, when the winds are high.
Thanks David, I will take a look at that. Is this something that should fall out of adjustment, once set? This issue just came up suddenly

If the stall warning vane attachment/adjustment screws loosened, the vane could move out of adjustment. More likely is that someone inadvertently bumped into it while admiring your plane -- you can usually identify the culprit by the blood gushing from his/her thigh. That is why whenever I park my RV-12 I put a warning cover on the pitot tube and stall warning vane. :cool:
On the Other Hand!

Our flying club got a new (to the club) Piper Cherokee. Similar stuff, stall warning (light) going off on departures etc. Odd.

Turned out the plane had a static system leak. The stall light was correct... the airspeed indications were wrong. :eek: