I was looking over the 42MiS-U update and saw the control stick head with 4 buttons. I believe it is called CS-G405 CONTROL HEAD. My plane has a single radio button in the center and radio switching, trim, and auto pilot are done on the panel. Is this something I can add (without too much rewiring) to my plane? Where do I find the parts and cost?
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I was looking over the 42MiS-U update and saw the control stick head with 4 buttons. I believe it is called CS-G405 CONTROL HEAD. My plane has a single radio button in the center and radio switching, trim, and auto pilot are done on the panel. Is this something I can add (without too much rewiring) to my plane? Where do I find the parts and cost?

All of the thoughts below assume ELSA or EAB registration on the airplane. This change would not be allowed on an SLSA aircraft.

It could be done. You'd have to do some significant custom wiring in order to get the controls where you want them on the stick in the original RV-12. It's not exactly rocket science, but there is some complexity involved. You could use the plans and wiring diagrams (which are available on our website downloads page) to see how things are wired in the newer versions. We don't have a retrofit kit or parts list for making the change. The wiring diagrams have a lot of info and you'd need to spend some time determining how each circuit is activated in order to safely decide how to wire the new sticks.

The existing wires on the panel switches include some current-spike limitation capacity and in the example of the trim switch they connect the switches to a controller that can handle deconflicting of cross-inputs from two switches, assuming they're wired in a way that doesn't break or bypass the deconflicting capability. You could probably look at mimicking the current switch wiring in parallel, and make sure to account for any potential conflicts. Know that you're pretty much on your own if you want to do the custom install support-wise, but if your airplane is ELSA or EAB, it's technically allowed. Just be very careful and test thoroughly, to include evaluating what happens when you press both switches at the same time in either same or conflicting directions.

We've published an updated RV-12iS Section 42MiS-U to reflect a change to the snap bushings used in the center section. These bushings are used for a wire pass-through and the new parts are shorter, in order to eliminate interference between the previously specified parts.

The bushing specified is now "B375-250" - was "SB375-3"

And.....make sure you drill the pass through holes for the bushings BEFORE you put the side skins on.