Just recently completed the purchase of an RV-12is. Looking forward to getting more involved with the forum. Wanted to start out by asking what tools/items are a must have around the hangar and useful in maintaining and flying the 12. Thanks in advance!
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It sounds like you are acquiring this RV-12is already built and were not the builder. Is your RV-12is an SLSA, ELSA, or EAB? Do you have the basic mechanical skills and interest to perform most or all of the maintenance yourself? The above info factors into the selection of tools/items you might like to have in your hangar. Welcome to the RV-12 community!
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Just recently completed the purchase of an RV-12is. Looking forward to getting more involved with the forum. Wanted to start out by asking what tools/items are a must have around the hangar and useful in maintaining and flying the 12. Thanks in advance!

You will need a long (12") phillips screwdriver to unscrew the air filter from the lower cowl during cowl removal.

And a low profile wrench like this


to get to the lower screws on the wheel fairings if you have them.
One year ago I was in the same boat you are in. The Maintenance Manual has a list of tools needed for General Maintenance of the airplane. I believe it is in the first section of the manual. I have found it to be a pretty accurate and comprehensive list. There will certainly be other tools and items to purchase but I would and did start with the list in the MM.
I'll second what Bruce said..

First, do yourself a favor and print out, double-sided, the maintenance manual.. put it in a binder.. that's your bible. The builder may have given you an old version, it doesn't change much, but you should definitely have it.

Buy all of the items listed as expendables. You can probably skip things like 'tire', or 'fuel tank sealant' (since it has an expiration date and you probably won't need to use it). For the tools, it looks like you should have .. or have access to all of them. The "25 inch padded stands" might be difficult and I'd recommend you just build them in your spare time.

It may be a little expensive..but you'll be able to fix most problems as they happen, rather than defer it or be grounded..