steve wyman

Well Known Member
This is my first post on the site. I am RV-12 builder #38. I have a question for the guys who already have their wing kits, mine is due in about 3 weeks. While I 'm waiting for it to arrive, I'm getting the shop set up and putting together some jigs. My question is this: could someone please measure the hole spacing on the foreward stub spar flanges? These are the holes that require machine counter sinking. I would appreciate you're posting the answer on the site. Thanks Steve Wyman

The forward stub spar flanges are already drilled and all you have to do is countersink. A friend did them by hand with a deburring tool and a 120 countersink. We could not figure out how to duplicate accurate machine countersinks. It didn't take very long to do them.

Guys, I know how to countersink the holes on the flange with a cage countersink, but I'm a woodworker; which means I make a jig for everything. If you could just send me the diamention of the hole spacing along the stub spar flange, I can finish the jig! Thanks Steve
learning curve ...

I finished my inventory on the wing kit, read thru all the directions and am trying to work my way thru page one, steps 1,2, 3, 4 & 5. I guarantee I won't finish my wing kit in 2 weeks!

I've got to read the directions for my new Dremel to figure out how to separate the first couple of pieces in step 1.

I have all my tools from Avery ... and I know what most of them are. :eek:

I've never used a tap in a drill and have a fear of DESTROYING my two spars in step 5 (use oil on tap? pressure on drill? And the matched drilling in step 4 is a new term for me). :confused:

I'm apprehensive I'll mess it up. I've two friends nearby who have constructed 3 RV's. After I rent a plane and go flying this afternoon, I think I'll make a some phone calls. A couple hours of supervised construction should get me going ... slowly ... just need a kick start. :eek:
tap ... tap ... tap

I now know the tap isn't a drill bit to be placed in the drill. Boy, I've got a LOT to learn!
This is my first post on the site. I am RV-12 builder #38. I have a question for the guys who already have their wing kits, mine is due in about 3 weeks. While I 'm waiting for it to arrive, I'm getting the shop set up and putting together some jigs. My question is this: could someone please measure the hole spacing on the foreward stub spar flanges? These are the holes that require machine counter sinking. I would appreciate you're posting the answer on the site. Thanks Steve Wyman

Steve. I wouldn't worry about jigs; this plane goes together so easy, it's kinda like a "Leggo's" set. Everything lines up.
Meade Duckworth
come on guys...

Good old Steve here comes to Van's Airforce and makes his first post, looking for the answer to a simple question. Three days and eight posts later, we have clearly let him down.

It's not our place to second-guess his intentions; for all we know he may have designed the mother of all jigs that will prove to be a boon to RV-12 builders everywhere but he needs this measurement to get 'er done.

Certainly someone with a wing kit can go out to the garage, make this measurement, and post it here for Steve.

If you take alook at the attached link for my Picas site you will see me doing that operation. Just hold it carefully with 2 fingers and make sure the cage is flat against the hole surface. - Norm
I found your photos excellent. I will keep them bookmarked for future reference (and inspiration). Please dont hesitate to add more as your project progresses. My wing kit will be here in a few weeks
Rod clark
Thanks for trying- I guess I'll just have to wait until my own wing kit arrives. When I made the initial request, I had no idea that I was asking for what seems to be privledged info. Steve Wyman
Serial #28 has not yet shipped

My wing kit was scheduled to ship last week, but I have not received it yet. :confused: I called Van's today for an update.

The wing kit is in their Crating Department waiting for the wing spars from their supplier. Maybe the spars have been the bottleneck so far.

I'll let you know when my kit ships.
wing kit ship dates- further delays??

Thanks for the update Jim- I was about to post a question to see who all had received theirs.

Ouch!! That makes me think they are very far behind. I am #41 and mine was supposed to ship this week. Like you, I had not heard anything.

Given your post, I sent them an email asking for an update on mine as well. Did they give you any revised estimate for when yours might ship?
I'm #38, and I talked to Ann at Vans yesterday. She confirmed that the spars are the hold up. Like you, mine were supposed to be shipped this week, but now it looks like I've probably got a couple of more weeks to go. Steve
Thanks for the update Jim- I was about to post a question to see who all had received theirs.

Ouch!! That makes me think they are very far behind. I am #41 and mine was supposed to ship this week. Like you, I had not heard anything.

Given your post, I sent them an email asking for an update on mine as well. Did they give you any revised estimate for when yours might ship?
Shipping update on website

Home page of website is now indicating all customers with scheduled ship dates of June 16th and later will be delayed 3-4 more weeks. Pretty significant delay given the initial estimated lead time provided when I placed my order on April 10th was 6-8 weeks. This would put lead time out to 14-15 weeks. Would not be a real big deal except I am ready to go (as I am sure is the case for many others out there)!
Well don't get in too big a rush...they haven't even announced a follow-up part to the wings, if they out-source the next piece to the speedy spar-makers we'll all just be sitting around with two nice wings for many months to come. Sad thing is...this is a major reason I went with Vans instead of Rans...they couldn't handle the business either. Oh well...there's always Sonex...they're still shipping parts.
Ahh that is a pitty I am #81 i think...I was timing the 7 out the garage and ready to fly when the 12 was suppose to arrive. Guess I am going to have some time on my hands between the builds ;-). Now I don't have any excuse to do all those home chores the wife has on her list :D
Hole spacing

3/4 of the spar stub has a spacing of approximately 1.087 inches and 1/4 of the spar stub has a spacing of approximately 0.909 inches. I say approximately because I used a ruler, not a micrometer. Like the other posts said, the holes are pre-drilled. All you have to do is counter sink them. The depth is the issue, not the spacing. I have wing kit #23.
RV-12 Wing Kit

My serial number is 27 and the shipment arrived Wednesday. I opened the boxes Today, S/N 27 opned on June 27, and did the inventory. The inventory took about 2.5 hours. Everything was there and in pefect condition. I was really impressed with the packing job. I am reading the plans and will start construction soon. By the way, I did not count the 10,000 rivets.
Thanks Joe. Steve
3/4 of the spar stub has a spacing of approximately 1.087 inches and 1/4 of the spar stub has a spacing of approximately 0.909 inches. I say approximately because I used a ruler, not a micrometer. Like the other posts said, the holes are pre-drilled. All you have to do is counter sink them. The depth is the issue, not the spacing. I have wing kit #23.
portfolio to protect plans

I went to and searched for 11x17 art portfolios and was overwhelmed by the number of different portflolios listed. Peterk indicated he bought one for $16. I cannot seem to figure out which one he chose. Any suggestions on a portfolio to protect the RV-12 plans would be appreciated.

Bob Kibby RV wing kit #105
protect my plans

I went to and searched for 11x17 art portfolios and was overwhelmed by the number of different portflolios listed. Peterk indicated he bought one for $16. I cannot seem to figure out which one he chose. Any suggestions on a portfolio to protect the RV-12 plans would be appreciated.

I wanted to protect my plans as well. At the same time time I wanted to be able to write on them. So, I did 2 things. First, I went to Kinkos and for 9 bucks I copied them. Then I put the original plans on a high shelf in another room to keep them away from spilt coffee, soda, etc. Second, I bought a piece of lexan and cut it to the size of the plans, pluse 1 inch at the top. That way I could use binder clips on the sides to hold the plans to the lexan. Next I drilled several holes at the top in the 1 inch excess so I could hang it on my pegboard. A side benefit is that I can take the lexan and move it from the back to the front if I need protection from coffee, but I can still read the top drawing. I got this idea from my brother in law Bud Shaffer. Hope it helps...
RV-12 Wing Kits to resume shipping at the end of next week

Serial #27 (Delta Hotel) was the last builder to receiving his RV-12 wing kit, around June 25.

I have RV-12 #28.

Van's called today, and they confirmed that they are scheduled to ship my wing kit late next week (around July 17-18). YMMV

I'll keep you updated.
Shipping notice

I got a call today also. Said mine is shipping next week. #36.

Said the next kit should be introdiuced in a week or two LIKELY.

John Bender
Mine too

#33 also setting off next week. However, this one has to make its way across the Atlantic, so I still have a month or so to wait :-(

I too received a call from Vans last Friday. Number 41 is slated to ship sometime this week. They also provided a bit more background on the challenges they had encountered with the wing spars and how they now think they have solved the problem that put them behind. It was good to hear they are very carefully checking everything on the spars before they are crated and shipped. Now just waiting for the pain of that big shipping invoice!
Wing kit #28 shipped today

Van's Aircraft called this morning.

Wing kit #28 shipped today.

Per FedEx Freight, the kit is scheduled for delivery this Wednesday, July 16.

Mine shipped today also

After reading the other messages, I called Van's. #36 on the way. Scheduled for next week.

John Bender
Cost of shipment for wing kit

I paid FedEx Freight today for my scheduled delivery tomorrow: $133.60 from Van's to Sacramento, CA

Weight: 338.0 lbs.

Tracking number 900541469
#28 arrived yesterday

The FedEx Freight driver unloaded both boxes from the truck's high bed (no lift gate) without my assistance.

The contents arrived intact, no damage.
I'm #43 and picked up the wing kit at Aurora on Friday, July 18. Inventoried and all pieces were there, with exception of 10,000 rivets. Van's will send this out to me when they get more in (on Monday). Now, how to begin. I'm building the RV12 in a one-car garage and space is a premium, not to mention sound dampening the air compressor.

Scott Lane
My wing kit arrived today! I'm builder #38. Vans packing is impressive! My wing kit was slightly delayed at my request, because my wife and I were on an Alaska cruise, so the folks at Vans were nice enough to delay shipment til we got back home. Jim, if you're reading this, how long do you think is reasonable to keep the protective plastic on, before you would have difficulty removing it? Steve