
Well Known Member
I'm assembling the ribs to the main spar on my -12. I'm finding a discrepancy in the plans and before I rivet the ribs on, I'd like confirmation that I have it correct.

On the final nose rib that is closest to the centerline, the instructions say to rivet on the rib with "THREE NUTPLATES" . Well, I don't have a rib with three nutplates. The previous steps asked to put two nutplates on one rib and one nutplate and a reinforcing plate on another. The only rib I have left has the one nutplate and the reinforcing plate on it.

I'm suspecting that there was a plans change somewhere and the three nutplate thing is a past version, having been replaced by the one nutplate and reinforcing plate.

Can some let me know if I have this put together correctly? I've been through all the instructions and I can't find any step anywhere that says to rivet on three nutplates.

You're good

You guessed correctly. There was a change to the electrical connection method. Your root rib should have only one nutplate and the doubler you mentioned. Apparently, that item got missed when they did the ECO, as it still calls out the old, three nutplate style.

On a second note, congratulations...you caught up with me. I've been wondering when you would. Just a couple hours ago I finished the left wing skeleton. Like you, I found the same issue and ignored the wrong data.
Thanks John. Part of the problem was that I couldn't figure out what the nutplates were used for. I appreciate the assist.
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I just received my wing Kit on 2/12/2014 and the plans aren't changed yet. I have been scratching my head for several hours trying to find where the three nut plate rib was. Thankfully I checked this forum, and at least for now I know I am not crazy!!
RV 12 Wing Wire Connect Kit

Thanks for this thread.

I spent hours trying to get the pins into the wings only to discover the old style electrical connector on the R wing was colliding with then new style electrical connector on the fuselage. All the pushing, twisting and grease in the world was not going to get the pins in with mismatched connectors. I ordered the "RV 12 Wing Wire Connector Kit" which includes the parts for the upgrade.

Update: After removing the old style wiring plate on the R wing, I was able to isolate the only remaining misalignment. With only the R wing inserted, the R pin would go through the R wing and stop at the R rear fuselage bushing. I considered trimming the fore and aft R wing tabs to allow the R wing to be inserted deeper. However, Van's Tech Support recommended using an "inertial mallet" to seat the pin. Indeed, today I positioned the wing while an experienced RV builder "Butch" was able to seat the pin with an inertia mallet. His report was that "It did not really take that much tapping to seat the pin."

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Help with a previous Step from Section 14-02

Hi Guys,

Since you have past this step I am hoping you can confirm something for me. I am on Section 14 Page 02 step 7. Machine Countersink the W-1212B-L & -R Flaperon Hinge Brackets per callouts in Figure 5.

If I countersink both the -L & -R and then put a AN426AD4-6, when I squeeze the rivet both the machined end and the manufactured end will be flush I guess, but is this correct? I am I reading it right?

Rob - I dont have the plans in front of me but..there are several spots where you do countersink both sides of a part. The 426 rivet shop head gets "mostly" counter sunk (the shop head never seems to totally get counter sunk)