Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
What are the pros and cons of wheel pants on an RV12? I won't be building them or installing them because I will buy either an S-LSA or E-LSA professionally built.

I am not hung up on a couple of added knots but I think the wheel pants look better. But are there operational penalties for them....like stuff getting stuck up inside or hassles checking or adding air to the tires?

Pretty much what you said. Looks and a few more knots traded against the chance of stuff being thrown up inside, risk of damage on grass/rough fields, poor access for adding air to the tires without some modifications, hard to inspect tires, and of the course the extra cost of buying the kit. No surprises there and the other RV's are no different. It comes down to personal choice. I'm installing them and also adding leg and transition fairings to finish the job.
Besides my just liking them for looks and speed, they DO keep the tires from tossing up rocks and **** on the underside of the wing and on the tail. The tire can actually pick up a rock and toss it into the prop!
You can have a hole in the wheel pants that lines up with the stem and get an extender to unscrew/screw the stem cap and another extender to inflate the tire - without removing the pant. A plug covers the hole. I think I get about 4 kts with the pants but am leaving them off for now operating off of a grass strip that is not "fully grassed."
Buzz J

I'm about ready to install the pants. Where do You get the extenders...auto parts store? And, what kind of plug for the hole do you suggest? Thx!
I'm about ready to install the pants. Where do You get the extenders...auto parts store? And, what kind of plug for the hole do you suggest? Thx!

Buzz see the thread on wheel pants earler.



Tire inflation tool from Cleveland