
Hello all,

Does anyone have personal experience flying their RV-12 with wheel pants into Triple Tree (SC00)?

We are planning on making the trip next weekend, and trying to decide if the wheel covers should be on or off.

Obviously, taking the wheel pants off for the trip eliminates any possible chance of them causing problems, but I am hoping someone can speak from experience….at Triple Tree.

Thank you in advance,
You will find the runway and day parking groomed similiar to an Augusta golf green, you get to make the decision. However some of the back "alley" taxi ways are not as friendly. There you have the opportunity to temp park and scope them out if going back into camping area
Don't know about Triple Tree, but I've been flying my 12 with wheel pants off of private grass strip for six years with no problems...
Thank you both very much. Very reassuring responses, and I don’t think it gets any better than Augusta (at least in the States). Thanks again.
No problem with my 12 even going cross country to the secluded under tree camp sites but beware of the tree sap. I needed a good wash upon return.