Avenger V

Active Member
Plane is complete except for cowl. Should have Monday. DAR coming as soon as I receive my registration. As this is the first RV12 Viking installation I had to do all the pioneering which I enjoyed. Should have flying in several weeks.

Ron Russ
RotoWay Exc., Fisher Avenger V, RV9A, RV12
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RV-12 Waiting for Cowl

Forgot to atttach picture.

Ron Russ
RotoWay Exc., Fisher Avenger V, RV9A, RV12

Sure looking good Ron. If you get a chance, I would love to have a list of stuff to get bought before mine arrives.
Good looking airplane Ron.
Thanks for the photo. Can't wait to see it with the cowling on.

weight and balance

Great looking 12 .When you get the cowling on could you share with us your weight and balance? I have decided to go with the 3300 Jabiru.Would like to see how they compare. Will probable be another month or two till I have my motor and avionics done.
Thanks! Oren