
Well Known Member
I am making a trip to Kansas City MO starting tomorrow. I have four RV12 people allowing me to inspect their project on the way up and back. My route will be up Interstate 35 to Kansas City, then back down US71 to Joplin, then over to Katy Texas and home. If anybody is on my trail and would like to share their project, let me know, weather might play a role since I am driving.
Interesting aspect of the trip, not even ONE of those I am visiting is using a Rotax!
I know, I know! Someday I will run out of modifications and changes to mine, and it will be - DONE!!!
Don, you must be an engineer. I worked on a nuke plant under construction in the 80's. We finally had to declare construction done and kick the AE off site to get the plant done!, engineers are NEVER done! :)

You can add a ROTAX to your agenda

Stop by KGPM and you can see a RV-12 with a ROTAX. Wings are installed this time so I'll give you a demo flight. Been trying to get txaviator to fly with me but have not connected. Access to the hangar area is restricted so e-mail me so we can make a plan.

Bob Kibby n712bk 170 hrs
Darn Bob, got your invitation too late, would have loved to see you again. I am back home now, had an absolutely wonderful RV12 tour. First was Jim Hurd, to revisit the first RV 12 I saw years ago, then on to Dick Gossen in Georgetown TX to see his build progress. Was on the way to see Larry in Kansas, but the snowstorm just made that not happen. On the way home I finally got to visit Al and Brenda in Neosho MO, and fly their beautiful plane (UL power), my first flight with a Skyview - it was beautiful and fully viewable from the right seat too. From there went to Katy Texas to visit with Tom Boyett and his beautiful family (they even fed us dinner!). He is doing a beautiful job building his, like me, at home in his garage.
What a wonderful vacation!