
Well Known Member
Thanks to the posts here, I am currently building a wing stand and plan to build two wooden work benches while waiting on my wing kit. Now I want to order the basic tools from Avery Tools. My problem is that I cannot find Avery SKUs for the following tools:

1/8 inch tall flush rivet die set 2
1/2 inch tall flush rivet dies set 1
Ruling Pliers 1
#27 plexi drill 1
#40 plexi drill 1
Tubing cutter 1

I would appreciate any help in finding the SKUs for these tools at Avery. Is a plexi drill a drill for plexiglass? When I get my order together I will post all of the SKUs and the final grand total cost!

Thanks in advance for any help,
A very minor note, but the RV-12 plans state that a copy of the Standard Aircraft Handbook is included with the kit (Page 01-01). So, there's a quick $17 back in your pocket (a 1% savings, from me to you).

Also, I think the "ruling pliers" on your list are really garden-variety "fluting pliers". There aren't any ruling pliers listed in the -12 plans.
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I spoke with Bob Avery yesterday about an RV12 tool kit. He said basically they were waiting on a couple of details/corrections from Van's and would be offering a tool kit shortly. Estimated price in the $1000-1100 range complete with pneumatic rivet puller. All the normal caveats apply: "subject to change, YMMV, not valid with any other offers", etc.


I spoke with Bob Avery yesterday about an RV12 tool kit. He said basically they were waiting on a couple of details/corrections from Van's and would be offering a tool kit shortly. Estimated price in the $1000-1100 range complete with pneumatic rivet puller. All the normal caveats apply: "subject to change, YMMV, not valid with any other offers", etc.



N_D That is good news. I also emailed Avery about an RV-12 kit. If it includes the items on my list, then it looks like they will be offering a significant "bundled" discount.
Thanks for the heads up. I have some of the tools, but with the discount I am still better off ordering the kit. I guess I know where my tax refund is going :)
Just bought an RV-12 tool kit

Ouch :eek: ... I just entered my order for the RV-12 tool kit from Avery Tools. I'm not sure what all those tool are ... but I bet I'm going to learn. :)
Kudos to Avery

I was so impressed with my experience with Avery Tools that I thought I'd share with the group.

I ordered several of the items off of the RV-12 toolkit to fill out the stuff that I already have. From my perspective, it was a decent sized order, with lots of small items from numerous categories (and a VAF hat!). Nevertheless, the order was filled within a day or two and shipped out ASAP. It arrived today, nicely and efficiently packaged. Inside I found a very nice set of excellent quality tools, exactly as advertised. Many of the smaller items (drill bits, dimple dies, countersinks, etc.) were cleverly contained in individual and reusable plastic cylinders.

It doesn't sound all that exciting, now that I've written it down. All of these things should hardly be noteworthy. But in our modern world of McDonalds, Harbor Freight, and the general fast food of life, it is really nice to find a small company that delivers everything they should, and more. It hurt to drop that much money on a bunch of small tools, but only until I actually got them. It certainly didn't seem too expensive once I was able to see what came in the mail. Thanks to all the folks at Avery.
I was so impressed with my experience with Avery Tools that I thought I'd share with the group.

Lawspud... I received my tools from Avery today and I second their great service. They even emailed me to know that some items were on back order so I was not disappointed. You might want to consider taking the "Fundamentals Course" which even gets you $50 back from VANS. I took my course from Synergy Air in Eugene.