
I'm New Here
Hi, is there somebody who studied the possibility to convert an RV12 to tailwheel version?
I'd like to make mountain flight and install skis...
Please, simple words, I dont know good english :eek:
Welcome to VAF!

Teo, welcome to VAF-----good to have you aboard.

I have not heard of someone doing a tailwheel 12, but there are a lot of amazingly/talented resourceful folks here, your question may well spark a bit of thought...............

From what I know of the 12, this may be quite a structural challenge in that the firewall is pretty far forward for mounting the gear, and the wing carry through spar area is pretty busy already with the detachable wing mechanism.
Hi, is there somebody who studied the possibility to convert an RV12 to tailwheel version?
I'd like to make mountain flight and install skis...
Please, simple words, I dont know good english :eek:

IMHO and as a builder of one, I do not see any way to move the landing gear of an RV-12 in a different position than where it is now.
May be a stupid question: Why not putting skis on a tricycle landing gear?
To my mind the ultimate LSA would be an RV12 taildragger with a sliding canopy. But the current RV12 design could never adapt to that given the wing spars, seating position with its resulting outstanding visibility (NEVER give that up!), and thus the CG issues.
It can be done, but difficult. Unfortunately the horizontal tail would be much too low and would get damaged at some point.


You would be better served with a high wing plaine that is able to fly slow.
Like a zenith 750 which was also designed by a Swiss!
Just my opinion.
Take a look at the JustAircraft Highlander or Super STOL.

GREAT airplane that can haul a ton!
Although I understand the business (and to some extent technical) reasons for not going the conventional gear option, it does seem a pity, there is just something about an aircraft looking up at the sky.

Come to think of it, these guys have managed to convert a tri gear LSA to a taildragger - and it comes with a BRS. Just can't pull the wings off....


RV-12 on Floats?

We haven't seen a RV-12 on floats yet.It makes sense in you get a higher weight dispensation and argument could be made for an additional weight increase like the one ICON got for safety devices. The extra ponies of the 914si would be nice.........:)
After tearing the gear apart to inspect the first time, and being almost done with the SB rebuild, the gear is never coming apart again (I hope). The 12 would look really nice with the front wheel in the back, but you would pretty much have to cut out the middle of the fuselage and start from scratch.