Yes, they are anodized. They used the clear flavor instead of the usual gold. All same same to the metal.
Thank you John. I asked because I saw a video of a couple guys preping and priming the wing spars which didn't make sense.
I wondered about that myself! My brother and I were like, "these wing spars are too beautiful for us to mess up with one of our ugly (but effective) priming jobs." However, it does appear that all the #30 holes will have to be drilled to make them fit a rivet.
My score was 50/50. All the #30 holes in one of the spars were undersize, probably because a worn punch was used during manufacture. The other spar was fine. Not a big deal. A reamer makes quick work of them.
What worried me was the state of the edges of the laminates that make up the spar ends that are factory riveted together. Mine all looked like they needed a good fettling and deburring. I obviously left them and tried to ignore the voices in my head talking of stress raisers etc. Are they all like this?
The outer edges of my factory-furnished RV-12 spars (circa 2012 issue) looked very rough and unfinished as well. When I asked Van's about this they told me that this was now the standard factory edge finish and was fine as shipped. The first years of RV-12 spars had nice smooth edges from the factory. Apparently the factory decided that it was cheaper to provide unfinished edges and they determined that this was satisfactory from an airworthiness perspective.

Hi. all I'am skinning my wings and need to drill the spar hole's to fit the rivet's. Is it ok to do so. The plans say no. Any help will be great. Thank you n538pg

I didn't drill any holes in the spars. All of the angles attached fine with clecos. Some occasionally needed running through with a No.30 drill just to take a gnats whisker off (one or two thousands of an inch) to allow the rivets to pop in. If you are having to do more than that, something is wrong.

If I had a pound for the amount of times I have thought Vans have got their plans wrong only to realise that its me that's wrong.......
