
I'm New Here
Hello folks. I was directed here by the factory for some first hand advice and perspective on the suitability of an RV 12 operating out of a 1300’ grass farm strip, 600’ msl with a clear departure path. I’ve reviewed the factory T/O&LDG numbers (hard surface at gross) but wanted to hear from folks actually flying the plane and see how you would feel operating in this environment. We don’t want every approach and departure to be an “event”. Obviously energy management and being on speed will be critical for landing. We both hold ATP’s but no experience in the RV line. Should we simply look elsewhere for something more suitable? Thanks for your time.
I think that's a little short if the grass is wet and slippery. I'd look at a high wing with something bigger than 5" x 5.00 tires. Grass gets gopher holes, ground hogs, ground squirrel holes, and needing mowing, etc, as potential issues, not good for small tires on airplanes.

Maybe check out a KitFox, Highlander, Cub J3, something along those lines.
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I fly my RV-12 from a private strip 2150’ x 80’ Turf @ 860’ MSL. Approach on one end is open and other end is 20’ pine trees right at threshold. ATP, with some currency for Light Sport, will be fine for RV-12 at 1300’ with clear approach. You will want to be stabilized with full-flaps at 55 knots on final and slowed further over the threshold. RV-12 will float with excess speed. I typically use about half of 2150’ with minimal braking. I operated a J3-Cub for 23 years off this same strip and the 12 flies just like the Cub. I often land downwind to use the clear approach at my strip and not deal with 20’ pine trees on other end.

When I do land over the 20’ trees I start a full-forward slip once clear of the trees and hold the slip well into the flare. Works a charm. See… https://youtu.be/CvsuBcV5IZs and https://youtu.be/5C1rZ2fyTVc

A word of caution – don’t just hop in the RV-12 without light airplane currency. Preferable to have someone check you out in a 12 because controls are very light. Control harmony in the 12 is extraordinary – you’re going to love it…
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I fly my RV-12 from a private strip 2150’ x 80’ Turf @ 860’ MSL. Approach on one end is open and other end is 20’ pine trees right at threshold. ATP, with some currency for Light Sport, will be fine for RV-12 at 1300’ with clear approach. You will want to be stabilized with full-flaps at 55 knots on final and slowed further over the threshold. RV-12 will float with excess speed. I typically use about half of 2150’ with minimal braking. I operated a J3-Cub for 23 years off this same strip and the 12 flies just like the Cub. I often land downwind to use the clear approach at my strip and not deal with 20’ pine trees on other end.

When I do land over the 20’ trees I start a full-forward slip once clear of the trees and hold the slip well into the flare. Works a charm. See… https://youtu.be/CvsuBcV5IZs and https://youtu.be/5C1rZ2fyTVc

A word of caution – don’t just hop in the RV-12 without light airplane currency. Preferable to have someone check you out in a 12 because controls are very light. Control harmony in the 12 is extraordinary – you’re going to love it…

I appreciate the perspective. I’ve been off the strip in an Aeroprakt (spelling) pulled by a 912. We were both big guys and it didn’t seem like a big deal. We were off by mid field. Landing was nothing to pucker over if touchdown was in the first 1/3. The guy flying had a tendency to land a bit long but it didn’t make him sweat. FWIW, I’d never even attempt the field without generous dual in the 12 prior and either wet or tall grass would be a no go. The “ATP” is just license to kill ones self with too big an ego. I don’t have that problem fortunately. Now I’ve got to try one on. I’m tall at 6’7”. The factory discussed a trimmed seat cushion but this is yet another variable that might push me out if the 12.
1300' with no obstructions is no problem for takeoff. Use one notch of flap for turf and no flaps for hard surface. Fly solo with half fuel initially until comfortable. Landing on tall grass or soggy field (think spring) is like landing on an Aircraft Carrier with an arresting hook. RV-12 pays-off a little quicker with added weight.
You will have no problem with 1300 ft.
I have been operating off my farm strip since 2009 with my RV12. I have logged 1100 hours off of my field. I actually started with 1000 ft length for a couple years. Then I added 400 more on for those hot days taking passengers just for safety margin.

So my farm strip is 1400 ft X 50 1450 MSL it is unobstructed on both ends.

I have never had an incident where I felt it was to short. Most of the time you will be using 1/2 of it.

Brad Stiefvater
124BJ first customer built RV12 to be airworthied and maiden flight 9-20-2009
Thanks guys. I think we are going to go with a flight design CT-super. I fit in it great and the performance looks very doable. We can have on here factory fresh in 3 months as opposed to late summer for a 12. I appreciate all the insight.