
I have been thinking about buying or building a LSA for a long long time and could never make up my mind. There are just so many models available claiming that they are the best, cheapest, easiest to build (yada yada yada) that I almost gave up. I've heard about the Vans products but really did not know much about them other than the "RV GRIN" everyone suppose to get when they get one. Well I happened to go online and looked up registered Van owners on the FAA site. When I looked up RV12 I found that one was registered less than thirty miles away. I contacted the owner expecting to hear someone rude or a hang up, but instead I met Howard Germon who had the "RV Grin" and invited me to his house to see his plane. I went over to his house and when he open the garage door I was hooked. It was absoluty the most beautiful airplane that I've ever seen not like any LSA that I ever have seen before. I spent a couple of hours on my visit and just listened to Howard about his plane and the construction process. He owns serial number 1 and he just got it back from the paint shop. WOW! Howard did not build his RV himself because of his business schedule but he knows every inch of the plane as if he put every rivet in it himself. His enthusiam of the product and support sold me. I'm happy to say that I ordered my kit and I am the future proud owner of #625 and waiting for delivery:). I want to thank Howard, because if not for him I probably wold still be reading magazines wondering what I should buy. I look forward to being a part of the RV family and I don't even have it yet but I already have a grin.

[ed. Welcome Joe!!! dr]
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It's a growing community of RV-12 devotees. Enjoy your build and maybe someone closer than I am can offer you a ride in an RV-12.
Welcome to the club!

Congratulations on your decision to build an RV! This is a GREAT site and I'm sure you will find, as I did, there is an abundance of support at your fingertips. I recently completed my RV Super 7 and I am only 2 hours from completing my phase one testing. My next build will most certainly be an RV-12.

Let the fun begin!
Good to hear Joe. A little over 100 NM from you to the east there is an RV12 under construction. Superb craftsmanship project in advanced stage. Let me know if you want contact.

My RV-12 is based at Fulton County Airport (NY0). If you would like to fly it, take a ride up to see me.

C'mon down.

..... I recently completed my RV Super 7 and I am only 2 hours from completing my phase one testing. My next build will most certainly be an RV-12.

Let the fun begin!

......Then gas will be on me because I'd really love to see and fly your Super -7. I'm at 2J3.

I contacted the owner expecting to hear someone rude or a hang up...
You will find that to be a vanishingly rare thing to happen in the RV community. In fact, I seriously doubt that it will ever happen. The community is a large part of the appeal....
Good to hear Joe. A little over 100 NM from you to the east there is an RV12 under construction. Superb craftsmanship project in advanced stage. Let me know if you want contact.

Vlad who is 100 miles east?