
I'm New Here
Our RV12 is primarially used for cross country. While the stock seats aren't bad, my wife and I would both have a hard time with anything over 3 or 4 hours a day. Are there any manufactures that make improved seats, anything aftermarket, or are there any mods out there?
I had Abby at Flightline Interiors make mine with Confor-Foam and leather. The seats weight a bit more than the standard RV-12 seats, however they are very comfortable. I used to fly with an Oregon Aero Softseat in a C172, you may be able to use something like that with the standard RV-12 seat.

John Salak
RV-12 N896HS
I haven't had much trouble with the stock seat, but my wife isn't fond of them for much over an hour or two either. When we were going through the process with our motorcycle, we tried a fancy seat overhaul with memory foam that left it soft and extremely comfy. For about an hour -- then it was bailout time. We finally bought a new Mustang seat, which feels very firm when you get on it but still feels fine seven or eight road hours later.

For her, I'm going to try a temporary inch or so of the firmest foam I can get to see if that does it for her. She very rarely travels in the 12, so it may be a few months before I know. Might be worth exploring though. My best advice is to get samples of different densities of foam and try them out for longer trips to see what works for the two of you, before you have permanent changes made.
Try a gel cushion like they sell for stadium seats. I bought one at Costco for $20 and it works great for long cross countries.
Give Abby at Flightline Interiors a call. She almost certainly made your stock seats and can tell you all about available upgrade options she can provide. Plus she's a class act and great to work with!