
Well Known Member
My buddy is renting RV-12 S-LSA that is equipped with Garmin G3X that has GPH and fuel totalizer...I didn't know this was available on the G3X???

Anybody else know anything or have seen this????
you can turn it on - as the red fuel flow cube is connected to the G3x. the problem is that because of the return flow of fuel that isn't metered you are never going to get accurate readings (although you could rough estimate for cross country flights based on data gathered).

I was considering adding a fuel flow cube on the return line, but I really don't want to mess in any way with my fuel system even if it is the return line - want to keep it simple.
you can turn it on - as the red fuel flow cube is connected to the G3x. the problem is that because of the return flow of fuel that isn't metered you are never going to get accurate readings (although you could rough estimate for cross country flights based on data gathered).

I was considering adding a fuel flow cube on the return line, but I really don't want to mess in any way with my fuel system even if it is the return line - want to keep it simple.

You can actually adjust it for very accurate readings, but at only one specific flight condition (such as continuous cruise), just like Skyview/HDX RV-12's do.
If the airplane spends a lot of time flying in different flight conditions (such as doing touch&goes), it will have some error but always in the conservative direction.
You can actually adjust it for very accurate readings, but at only one specific flight condition (such as continuous cruise), just like Skyview/HDX RV-12's do.
If the airplane spends a lot of time flying in different flight conditions (such as doing touch&goes), it will have some error but always in the conservative direction. there any info as to what k factor to use...or is it the same as for Dynon? (Would guess some playing with #'s is required).
You can actually adjust it for very accurate readings, but at only one specific flight condition (such as continuous cruise), just like Skyview/HDX RV-12's do.
If the airplane spends a lot of time flying in different flight conditions (such as doing touch&goes), it will have some error but always in the conservative direction.

Is there any reason not to install a second red cube (on the return line) so completely accurate fuel calculations in all conditions can be seen?
The fuel flow and gas gage are nice, but my primary method in every aircraft has always been fuel burn and time. If you use the same cruise settings you can get within a few tenths of a gallon. It's always been satisfying to do the mental math and have it confirmed by the gas pump totalizer at the FBO. If you don't cut your margins razor thin the Gage's are just a sanity check on your math.
The fuel flow and gas gage are nice, but my primary method in every aircraft has always been fuel burn and time. If you use the same cruise settings you can get within a few tenths of a gallon. It's always been satisfying to do the mental math and have it confirmed by the gas pump totalizer at the FBO. If you don't cut your margins razor thin the Gage's are just a sanity check on your math.


I too, learned to fly without the fancy electronics; but I have to say (since I've gotten use to using them) situational awareness has vastly improved, and comfort factor is far better. Case in gph fuel rate went up during last phase of flight to AZ. When I got on the ground..guess what I found; fuel dripping from lower engine cowl. Yup..dam carb floats on right carb are being replaced. Little did I know that the higher than usual fuel flow indication was telling me something was wrong! Go figure!!
Is there any reason not to install a second red cube (on the return line) so completely accurate fuel calculations in all conditions can be seen?

I received this from Van's Aircraft in response to my question:

"I have no reasons to tell you not to install a second flow transducer. We opted to only use one as it proved accurate enough for our needs.


Van's Aircraft
14401 Keil Rd"
If your RV-12 is an S-LSA you must have Van's approval to install the second fuel flow cube. If you are E-LSA (post certification) or E-AB you can do what you want without Van's approval.

When my carbs came back from overhaul with the choke modules swapped my fuel flow and burn went up 10%. Along with the hideously hard starting it pretty much confirmed something was rotten in Denmark.any time I get a surprise at the pump when actual fuel consumption isn?t within a gallon of my mental math I start asking questions.

Well, I'm really happy you got it taken care of. My wife and just returned from a week in Denmark, and we were very happy that nothing there appeared to be rotten.


Sorry. Couldn't resist.