Well Known Member
I'm still flying with the temporary wedge taped to my rudder, and planning to fabricate the same shape piece from aluminum or plastic & rivet it on. But wouldn't it be simpler to attach a small trailing edge fin which could then be bent to suit?

Yes it would.
One of the first factory built RV12 at OSH 2013!:eek:
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Actually I think you mean OSH 2013 (there was no S-LSA RV-12 at OSH 2012)?

The trim tab has not been incorporated into the current kit but is available from Van's.
The part # for just the metal tab is R-01220 (a complete installation kit has not yet been developed)
Other parts required to do the installation are 5 LP4-3 blind rivets (fwd row of holes) and 5 AD-41-ABS blind rivets (aft row of holes; which have to be shorter because of reduced internal thickness of the rudder)
Installation requires removal of one rivet in the rudder, clecoing to that hole, and then match drilling the remaining 9 holes.
Thanks John. It looks like a simple enough piece; I think I'll make one. Mind giving me some dimensions and hole locations?

Thanks again,

i haven't closed up my rudder yet [by dumb luck] so i ordered this part after reading this post. timing is perfect. the part was $5. can't hardly get a pattern that cheap.

Consider the narrow depth of the trailing edge of the rudder before drilling for pop rivets: I haven't done this tab yet, but I'm getting the impression that locating the aft row of rivets slightly farther forward may be a good idea....

I agree on the price from Vans; think I'll go that route, too.

Jim Rogers

Consider the narrow depth of the trailing edge of the rudder before drilling for pop rivets: I haven't done this tab yet, but I'm getting the impression that locating the aft row of rivets slightly farther forward may be a good idea....

Further fwd would not be better. Right near the T.E. is the stiffest area of the skin. attach further fwd and it could result in skin cracks later, and may also make it more difficult to adjust the tab without tweaking the rudder skin.

The depth is fine with the rivets specified... use a drill stop on the drill bit to prevent it from going too deep.
rudder trim tab photo

I'm still flying with the temporary wedge taped to my rudder, and planning to fabricate the same shape piece from aluminum or plastic & rivet it on. But wouldn't it be simpler to attach a small trailing edge fin which could then be bent to suit?


As a new builder can you send a photo of where this mod goes?
Here are some pictures and measurements for the trim tab:



And with removing one rivet, it could possibly go here:

You're right, Joeri, in line with underside looks much better and that's how it is done on the SLSAs as I see now.
I am unsure about when I will have my plane painted and I have some time before the finishing kit gets here so does it make sense to install the factory trim tab before I know I even need it? More than that, is there an SLSA issue if I install it pre-certification?


Mark Misage
I am unsure about when I will have my plane painted and I have some time before the finishing kit gets here so does it make sense to install the factory trim tab before I know I even need it? More than that, is there an SLSA issue if I install it pre-certification?


Mark Misage

Since you're building you will have an E-LSA (not S-LSA), and as the factory trim tab is approved by Vans it doesn't matter when/if you install it.
Oops! I did mean E-LSA.

Are there any DARs out there that can confirm that it would be okay to install the tab before certification and still certify E--LSA?
I think ELSA is still new to some DARs, so even if you think it's approved I'd recommend discussing it with the DAR to avoid having to jump through hoops at the inspection.
I had ordered the trim tab as soon as it came out, expecting that I would definitely need some kind of trim for the rudder after completing Phase I. Well, it turned out that my bird flies straight at cruise and I didn't need any trim. So, I suggest you wait and see what it does for you. You'll have plenty of test flying to do and adding the tab later is not a big deal, in case you find yourself needing it.
Trim Kit ordered in advance

In the meanwhile Van's has a kit available including hardware.
Part No is "12 RUDDER TRIM KIT".

Although I am not sure, whether I will really need it, I decided to add the trim tab in advance during build (I am about to rivet the skin on the rudder assembly).
Since I have never seen a plane w/o a rudder trim or a trim tab, I guess I can't get that wrong with it, even witout knowing yet how straight my bird will fly.
I had ordered the trim tab as soon as it came out, expecting that I would definitely need some kind of trim for the rudder after completing Phase I. Well, it turned out that my bird flies straight at cruise and I didn't need any trim. So, I suggest you wait and see what it does for you. You'll have plenty of test flying to do and adding the tab later is not a big deal, in case you find yourself needing it.

Interestingly all RV-12 I know need a little bit of Right Rudder to get the ball centered at cruise speed. This was confirmed when I installed my trim tab: the tab I received from factory was adjusted right on target, I did not need to adjust it. I thought that it made sense as all E-LSAs being identical (at least initially) should behave the same way in flight (provided they are rigged following VANs instructions).