
Hello folks:

I was wondering if there are any completed RV-12s in Indiana (or surrounding areas) that I could possibly take a look at / ride in. I'm based at KDCY. My motivation is that would like to build an RV that I can maintain that my father and I can fly relatively inexpensively for years to come.

Because of all my aviation banter, Dad has decided to get his PPSEL, and is progressing really well. Heck he may even go on to get his instrument rating. Why build a LSA then? Well, he would not need it for years, but if he ever needs and LSA, we have one and the build time for the -12 seems doable to us. Most of his flying would be $100.00 hamburgers anyhow. I currently have a 182 so it's not like we're building to fly, but would like to experience the journey of building! Last summer we took a builders course at Grov-Air and really enjoyed it.

Any one close? Thoughts? The community help is appreciated.

Matt Meredith

BTW I'm 6'3" and 235 and want to see if I can fit ;)

You can't ride in it yet, but you sure can come and look at our 12 here at OVO (North Vernon.) We are about ready to hang the engine, so you can check out the "fit." We have the interior and the canopy on. I can tell you I am 6'4" and around 210 and fit just fine. Catch Squeak there and get a ride over, or fly the 182. Check out our build blog at .

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Ride in the -12


I am down in the Memphis area and would love to visit and see the RV-12. It is on my radar as a project one of these days. I will even bring a rack of ribs from Central BBQ or equivalent for your dining pleasure!
Hey guys, thanks for the offers!

@videobobk: Squeak and I will have to come see how your project is progressing. I think it is great the work that you are doing with the youth!

@kell311496: Sounds great! You're not too far from me. I will pm you and maybe we can set something up soon!

Today was our first Saturday work session, and I expect them to be most Saturdays. Not next week, however. Hockey at Miami University and I plan to leave early. Let me know and you can see the project, and meet the builders.
