
Well Known Member
Today, was a big day. no I didn't fly yet, I just fitted the wings. I know, the plans call for doing that a long time ago, but that was when it was -10F outside and my shop is 12' wide. So today was the big day.

I call my buddy cause I think this is gonna be a fight. I tell him; "This could take 10 mins, or 3 hours, bring your lunch." (I'm cheap ;)) Well, thanks to Van's superior engineering department (and my superior constuction techniques :eek:) it look less than 10 mins. It took longer to smoke the celibratory cigar (thanks to my buddy) than to put wings on a brade new airplane!

They go on and off just like they should! A little grease on the pins & bushings, a little wiggle here and there, and the pins slide home snug & secure. This is a GREAY design feature for an LSA aircraft.

N912VZ is ready to fly....pending paperwork approval and installation of the rear window.... and a few other non flight critical odds & ends.

Wow! Just
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Mine took about 10 minutes also. I want to post a picture but can't figure how to do it. Can anyone tell me how you guys are putting pictures on these posts? Does it have anything to do with the Insert Image button? If it does, what the heck is URL?
Larry H.
Photo tutorial on VAF

Hi Larry,
A URL is a web address. The VAF forum manager wants people to store the photos on a web photo sharing site. There you can copy a link to the URL using the tools the photo sharing site provides, and then when you click the "insert image" icon you paste the URL into the window that opens.
There are good tutorials right here on the VAF forums on exactly how to do it.

It takes a little time and effort to figure it out, but it makes posting so much more informative to be able to insert photos.

Good luck with it,
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Way to go, Larry. Congrats! I'm curious though- did you open up the fuselage slots earlier in the build, like several of the guys discussed last spring? Steve
Way to go, Larry. Congrats! I'm curious though- did you open up the fuselage slots earlier in the build, like several of the guys discussed last spring? Steve

Yes, I don't remember the size, but I could see that there would be an interferance by the rivits in the spar closest to the wing.
What no pictures? I don't think it really happened.:D

Yea, it sure felt real! Maybe I was just dreaming. :eek:

I'll post pics tomorrow.

I'm too depressed right now.....

Huskers lost a heat breaker of a football game.

I'm begining to question if the sun will come up tomorrow. :(
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Here on the other side of the ocean the sun is coming up again right now, so don't worry :D
So no excuses anymore for not posting pictures! I need those pictures to continue with the deboring, eh deburring part of the wingribs :p

I had 3 boys go to Texas Tech (at the same time! yikes!) and they are not looking foward to Lincoln Oct 17th. Should be a great game.
I had 3 boys go to Texas Tech (at the same time! yikes!) and they are not looking foward to Lincoln Oct 17th. Should be a great game.

Come on up Pete! Huskers are great fans. No worries, plus you can get a ride in the -12! :D