
Changed the oil today for the first time and what a pain to drop the lower cowling. Anyone come up with a solution to prevent removing the lower? I know that still leaves a needed solution or the darn oil that comes out of the filter and would run all over the lower anyway. I know there are quick drain plug options for the oil cannister but wondered if anyone else has come up with a solution I havent' thought of, including capturing the oil from the oil filter before it too runs out all over the lower cowling.
Changed the oil today for the first time and what a pain to drop the lower cowling. Anyone come up with a solution to prevent removing the lower? I know that still leaves a needed solution or the darn oil that comes out of the filter and would run all over the lower anyway. I know there are quick drain plug options for the oil cannister but wondered if anyone else has come up with a solution I havent' thought of, including capturing the oil from the oil filter before it too runs out all over the lower cowling.

Cut diagonally the bottom off of a gallon milk jug and hold it under the filter as you unscrew it.. You will have to play around with getting it cut correctly, but that's an option. You will still have a little clean up, but should only be drops and not ounces..

Others loosen the filter then put a zip lock bag over the filter held tight to the engine block as you finish unscrewing it. Oil and filter fall into bag.

And I've known others to just go into the wife's kitchen and appropriate the correct size square tupperware container and hold that under the filter as you unscrew it.. :)

I have a quick drain / hose that I use to drain the oil.
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Just guessing… but sounds like perhaps you are new owner of this airplane.

I would recommend removing lower cowling at oil change intervals to do a thorough inspection of the engine and peripherals.

Not good idea to keep engine hidden from view for long periods of time…
Just guessing… but sounds like perhaps you are new owner of this airplane.

I would recommend removing lower cowling at oil change intervals to do a thorough inspection of the engine and peripherals.

Not good idea to keep engine hidden from view for long periods of time…

I agree with this. My first oil change I pulled the lower cowl and found a brand new oil hose had been rubbing against an exhaust tube. It chafed all the way through the fire sleeve. Now I always pull the bottom cowl to have a real good look around.
Great information and advice. Yes I am new owner of the RV 12 but not a new aircraft owner. Have had over a dozen, mostly high performance single engine turbos. I must say it's not nearly as inconvenient as removing lower cowling of larger certified aircraft that are wrapped around a Continental or Lycoming and turbo. Great point to just spend the extra time and drop the lower and do an inspection while at it. Thanks all.
I have found many reasons to remove the lower cowl for oil changes unfortunately. But, the quick drain is a huge help, just make sure it doesn't leak at all.