
Well Known Member
I see on the EAA website that Van was scheduled to speak on Flying the RV-12. Does anybody know what he said?

I see on the EAA website that Van was scheduled to speak on Flying the RV-12. Does anybody know what he said?


I find it very interesting that no one has responded to this question. Last year there was lot's of posting on the RV-12 from Oshkosh, this year very little. I suspect it is because one of the following reasons:

1. Nothing new to report.
2. We are losing interest in this airplane.
3. Everybody is busy building.

OSH updates on RV-12??

I was about to post a similar question/response. I find it strange there was really nothing new to report- quite different from Sun N Fun where there were many updates (and not just related to the fact the wing kit had just been released). Someone had to have learned something on flight testing, S-LSA certification (given importance to E-LSA certification for those of us building right now), etc.

Anyone who was at OSH have any updates?!?!?!
RV12 forum

I did attend the RV12 forum at 8:30am on Thursday morning. They showed a 20 min video of the red RV12 flights, from the cockpit. Then a slide presentation, somewhat technical, showing load testing that was done to wings, including graphs. Then Q&A. It was well done and pretty well attended. Not sure what new info you were expecting.
Not sure what new info you were expecting.

Someone had to have learned something on flight testing, S-LSA certification (given importance to E-LSA certification for those of us building right now), etc.

Yes... as jte65 asks... where are they with the S-LSA Certification? Also, is the flight testing complete yet? Was a full gamut of stall/spin configurations run - and how'd she do? Performance Specs on the new prototype? 51%/E-AB rules: have they run the build program against the proposed checklist... and do they have any sense of where this craft would "score"? Any discussion doing a lower cost panel for an S-LSA with minimal VFR instruments/no GPS/lower cost radio/transponder?

Those are few few of mine... :)

If all goes well... I am stopping in Oregon in a few weeks to Visit Van's and test fly the RV-12. Hopefully it will be the new prototype so I can get a good feel for what the production models will be like.

With all the Van's Fans at all these events... it is a shame that nobody video's these things to share with the rest of us that can't make these cross country events. :(

flight testing

Was a full gamut of stall/spin configurations run - and how'd she do?

When asked about spin testing during Q&A, the answer was a test pilot was hired to do a complete spin testing at all CGs. Results were good. Is this new news? I thought I had heard this before.
When asked about spin testing during Q&A, the answer was a test pilot was hired to do a complete spin testing at all CGs. Results were good. Is this new news? I thought I had heard this before.

Actually this is new news for the new wing, etc. The older bird (Yellow) went through spin testing but the reason Vans did not release the tail feathers and fuselage on the new bird (Red) was that the spin testing was not complete.

Thanks for the update.

We're any performance numbers confirmed for the new wing? Stall speed, cruise, ROC, etc?


Bueller.... Bueller.... Silence... crickets chirping...

Anyone else come away with any info from the presentation? DJ
Chirp, Chirp...

I spent a fair amount of time talking with Ken Kreuger at Van's since he has been so heavily involved from the start. My concern was that they were still on the path to certify as an SLSA because I want to do ELSA and not go thru the hoops of the new 20% fab etc. He said they were absolutely committed to SLSA and as others have said, paperwork is holding things up....operating handbook etc. He said all the airplane testing has gone great and one of the reasons they plan to go SLSA is because it gives them so many options...including in-house production of fly-aways. I asked if the 296/496 was chisled in stone. He said, "no, you will have the option to use a 296, 396 or 496." He also said that the auto pilot would be optional but that if you did want one it would have to be a Dynon. And there will be more options announced as time goes on. In talking with Van I mentioned something about the 738 empty weight being such a selling point for me....he said "it's 720." When I inquired why...he said they work on the reducing it all the time. He loves the airplane, even showed me the best way to get in and out...told me to get in so he could put the top down and see how it fit me. I asked him about the auto-pilot and he scoffed and said, "I don't understand why anyone would want an autopilot in a plane like this."
I undertand his point but as Ken said, once you have Dynon efis all you need to buy are one or two servos...pretty cheap autopilot. Ken did say that one of things that really slows them up is their desire to put together the detailed plans that they do. After having built the wings I can attest to the value that they represent and I am certainly willing to wait.

Also if you will notice...the FAA has recently announced that they have decided to put teams together to collect ASTM info from current SLSA's so that they can go back and determine their compliance. Something tells me Van's will come out better than most.

Thanks for the Info

Appreciate getting a report on the kit RV-12. It appears to be all good. Auto Pilot and 296-496 choices are in my mind great ideas. Wonder what will be next???

Ken really likes the Rotax - that's interesting - he apparently likes it a lot - that means a lot to me - maybe I'll have to change my ideas about having a Lycoming in my 12. Maybe the next RV???

Anyone going to offer a trailer kit??? Many (or a few) of us will want a trailer.
Or how about one of the makers of trailers for sailplanes offering either finished or kit trailers? I think that I could handle manufacture of the 'top' of a trailer - something like fabricating the enclosure from a kit - all aluminum of course. Pulled rivets, etc. I would leave the framework of the trailer to the professional trailer builders. Some entrepenur needs to address this.