

I'm looking for recommendations on the surface prep of the anodized F-1204 Center Section prior to top coating. I plan on using Sherwin Williams JetFlex WR paint. Van's builder support says its probably a bad idea to remove the anodizing (I was never intending to do that) prior to painting because of the superior corrosion resistance that it provides. Up to this point I have primed everything with a Deft chromate-free primer, but am planning on not doing that since this part is anodized. My primary concern is the adhesion of the top coat to the anodized surface. As of now, I am just planning on a thorough cleaning with acetone prior to application of the JeFlex but I am definitely open to what others have had success with if this sounds like a questionable approach. I guess that not painting it is also an option but all of the adjacent cockpit interior will be the JetFlex Blue Black.

Thanks in advance,