
Well Known Member
A year or two a person put a placard in the upper right portion of his RV-12 panel. It was above the Master Switch and he included two ssitches, one for elelctric fuel pump on and off and another switch for the second landing being onn all the time. The plack that was made included he Van's Total performance statement as well as the N nber of the aircraft If my memory is right, it was a traiangular shape and loked really nice. I have serched for that sign and can;t ind it. I know many pictures are only posted for a limited time.

I would like to find that sign to use in my RV-12 with some modifications

Does ayone know where that sigh can be found: I will be veruy grateful if someone can find it and direct it to mel''

You might try contacting Aircraft Engravers. They make custom engraved placards and have a pretty good search function based on prior orders. I asked them about a round placard ring they did for a previous RV-12 Moeller tank gage. I described the placard and they recognized it and were able to duplicate for me.

Here's the logo I created:

I had it printed in vinyl over brushed aluminum by a trophy shop. It was about $20 for two of them.

Here's a link to the Adobe Illustrator file if you want to roll your own.

I put it right above the master switch.
When I labeled my instrument panel I painted it grey, printed my labels on a Brother P-Touch label maker (black letters on clear tape), applied the labels and sprayed clear matte finish over the panel. Looks very professional.