
I noticed on a posting somebody was asking how the pitot tube was fixed.
It does not rotate with the spinner, it is bolted to the engine housing. I have taken a photo on my engine (the one that is waiting to be fitted to my RV-12 when I can extract all the kits from Van's) The pitot tube passes through the hollow gearbox shaft (shown by the red ruler) and is bolted on where the pitch mechanism or govener is mounted if needed (shown with the arrow)

I asked the question regarding the pitot tube. For some reason I can't see the pic.

correct me if I am wrong, but most Rotax 912 prop pitch mechanics work through the same Gearbox hole???
Hence if one wanted to fit a VP prop to a 912 / RV12 one will have to relocate the pitot???


correct me if I am wrong, but most Rotax 912 prop pitch mechanics work through the same Gearbox hole???
Hence if one wanted to fit a VP prop to a 912 / RV12 one will have to relocate the pitot???

That's true, Rudi. But the -12 is primarily designed for the Light-Sport pilot in the US where controllable props aren't allowed.
That's true, Rudi. But the -12 is primarily designed for the Light-Sport pilot in the US where controllable props aren't allowed.

Thanks Mel, for once I am glad I do not live in the US, our Light Sport rules does allow it in South Africa.