
Well Known Member
How did it go this weekend? Anything you can leak? Will the nose get stuck in a gopher hole? lol
Okay folks. Hold on. Didn't quite finish with the install past weekend. "Life" got in the way. Mostly done though. Next time down at the hanger I'll take some pix.

A preview of what you'll get:

The main wheel fairings closely resemble what we have on the other models, there is no left and right. They are identical. They are split into front and rear, 2/3 back and 1/3 front. The mounting brackets simply bolt to the landing gear and axel. There are dimples in the fiberglass where you drill and attach the pants to the brackets that makes aligning a simple task. It's done for you. There are no gearleg fairings for the main gear, only for the nose gear. There are no intersection fairings at all. The nose gear pant also splits in two with the front section attaching to the nose fork with screws. Holes are in it for a tow bar.

It's all pretty easy to install. Just takes some time to fit all the pieces to get a nice fit and finish. You'll be happy with the finished product.
Okay folks. Hold on. Didn't quite finish with the install past weekend. "Life" got in the way. Mostly done though. Next time down at the hanger I'll take some pix.

I'd like to make a motion by voice vote. All those in favor of tar & feathering the RV-12 beta tester for not taking pictures of the wheel pants in progress say "Aye". :mad:

Aye's have it, motion carries 350-0. ;)
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There are no gearleg fairings for the main gear, only for the nose gear. There are no intersection fairings at all.

Is there a hole for the tow link on the front of the nose gear?

Are there holes for an air chuck in the wheel pants?

Obviously, we'll need to paint the main gears to match the plane.

Thanks for the update Mitch, looking forward to MORE!
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Thanks Mitch, you know we count on you to keep us in the "know" so that we don't become Olympics junkies.

There are holes in the nose wheel pant for the tow bar. There is a dimple in the fiberglass that shows you where to drill it.

There is no hole in the main pants for an air chuck. The front portion comes off easy enough, like the other RVs. Takes just a couple muinutes. I've put air chuck holes in wheel pants before. I found it took too much fiddlin' to get them to line up with the valve stem to use. It was almost just as easy to pop the front off.

I'm hoping to fly it this weekend. We'll see.

And actually, tar and feathering ain't that bad once you've had it done once or twice.
Also, there is a procedure for marking and cutting a hole in the nose gearleg fairing for the tow link to protrude.

Sorry Larry. Misunderstood your question.
And actually, tar and feathering ain't that bad once you've had it done once or twice.

The counsel got togeather and decided you can avoid punishment by posting said pictures. ;)

We are all just anxious to see the end results, and the finished product. :D

Thanks for the update Mitch, I (we) greatly apprciate it.
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There is no hole in the main pants for an air chuck. The front portion comes off easy enough, like the other RVs. Takes just a couple muinutes. I've put air chuck holes in wheel pants before. I found it took too much fiddlin' to get them to line up with the valve stem to use. It was almost just as easy to pop the front off.
I go through a lot of screws that way. I wonder if air-locs would work.
That's exactly what they look like! How'd you get these shots?

(I'll post the pix Saturday)


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PICTURES! Mitch asked me to post these for him.

Thanks Mitch! I owe you a cold one. They look fantastic!
Thanks for sending out the pictures Mitch. I will be happy to buy you a cold one at Sun-n-Fun.

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You guys are very welcome. Sorry it took so long.

Okay, I'll be at Sun & Fun.... and thirsty!
Thanks for the pics

Great pictures! I'm curious. Why cover the gear leg on the nose gear, that has nothing running down it, but not the main gear where those brake lines are exposed? Not being critical, just curious.
Not being an aerodynamicist (sp?), I am going to assume that the round nosegear leg is much draggier than the flattened main gear legs, which have camphered leading edges. Also, I don't think the brake line on the trailing edge offers much drag, if any at all. Krueger would be the best one to answer this.
Not being an aerodynamicist (sp?), I am going to assume that the round nosegear leg is much draggier than the flattened main gear legs, which have camphered leading edges. Also, I don't think the brake line on the trailing edge offers much drag, if any at all. Krueger would be the best one to answer this.

Yeah, that's about what I figured. I wouldn't bother Ken with this question - I'm sure he is busy working on the next great project from Van's. Cosmetically, the main gear legs don't matter so much, since they are pretty well hidden under the wings. The nose gear sticks right out there for all the world to see. Ill bet the new fairings will look really nice with paint.
Not being an aerodynamicist (sp?), I am going to assume that the round nosegear leg is much draggier than the flattened main gear legs, which have camphered leading edges. Also, I don't think the brake line on the trailing edge offers much drag, if any at all. Krueger would be the best one to answer this.

Actually most of the drags is at the trailing edge. The round leading edge produces little drag.
Fairing Installed Picture

I would like a picture of the wheel pants installed on the airplane so we could see the total picture.. the pants themselves look fine, but how they make the overall appearance of the plane seem is what I am anxious to look at. If possible when the plane is outside can we get a photo of the final work?
Main gear fairings

Those wheel fairings look great - especially the nose gear - looks like quite a lot of 'clearance' from the ground - nice.

I'll want main gear fairings for my 12 but am a long way from that stage. I am sure that someone will offer a kit for fiberglass main gear fairings is Van's doesn't. Should be simple enough - right? That would pretty much make the 12 complete in my minds eye.:cool:
Those wheel fairings look great - especially the nose gear - looks like quite a lot of 'clearance' from the ground - nice.

I'll want main gear fairings for my 12 but am a long way from that stage. I am sure that someone will offer a kit for fiberglass main gear fairings is Van's doesn't. Should be simple enough - right? That would pretty much make the 12 complete in my minds eye.:cool:

The 3 wheel fairings and the nose gear leg fairing look like they are bringing the max. cruise speed of the RV-12 right to the 120 kt limit.

To make main leg fairings look good (finished) they also require intersection fairings at the bottom and the top which adds to the cost, install complexity, maintenance complexity, etc. and they might push the cruise speed over the max. limit (though the main legs are not likely producing very much drag at 120 kts). Reasons that Van's Aircraft will not likely be offering anything other than what Mitch provided photo's for.

Now get us a picture of the whole plane with the pants on so that we can see what it does to the total picture :D

Sun n Fun

Wheel Pants release coming at Sun n Fun? hmmmm Mitch has had his on for awhile now. Problems?
Wheel Pants release coming at Sun n Fun? hmmmm Mitch has had his on for awhile now. Problems?

Mitch received pre production prototype parts. Maybe it has something to do with attempting to have parts in stock for at least 25 kits when orders are first excepted.

Multiply that X's 7 different composite parts that are being newly put into production by a vendor... that adds up to 175 individual parts. Plus some other parts that are machined by another vendor, get the picture.

I am actually guessing though... I do not personally know what factors made S&F the chosen date.
Mitch received pre production prototype parts. Maybe it has something to do with attempting to have parts in stock for at least 25 kits when orders are first excepted.

Multiply that X's 7 different composite parts that are being newly put into production by a vendor... that adds up to 175 individual parts. Plus some other parts that are machined by another vendor, get the picture.

I am actually guessing though... I do not personally know what factors made S&F the chosen date.

Vans should know the cost of the kit due to vendor knowledge of production costs, and past RV component pricing history, ect. Wouldn't it be better to take orders now with an X week lead time so Vans would know how many builders wanted the kit? :confused:
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The pants go my painter this weekend. Hopefully they'll be back by next weekend so I can put them on and post pictures.

I haven't flown with them yet. Really looking forward to that.
Pics of Mitch's Plane with Painted Pants

Mitch Lock brought his RV-12 to the Chapter 186 meeting this morning, and I took a few pictures. Thanks to Mitch for bringing the plane. It seemed to get a lot of interest.





Did you guys notice that the fairing is missing from the nose gear tube. It was on in Mitch's earlier build pictures. What gives, Mitch? Make the plane too Fast?

Might even call it 'sexy'. YMMV. Can't believe how much better the 12 looks with these finishing touches - if it's faster then good. RV-12 drivers then have choices as to how they 'adjust' the aircraft to slow it down to the allowed 120K max speed. Any way you cut it, if the 12 is 'slippier' then it will be easier on the engine and offer the pilot options in his flying.:cool:

Sounds I dont think that's the program. It should be certified at 120kts at engine manufacturer's max recommended continuous RPM's at ground level. If that's 3000 RPM's terriffic, but its more like 5500. I think Van's actually has made a statement to the effect that the pants will add five knots bringing it right up to 120kts.
I am catching up on the RV-12 info so bear with me.

My dad will be starting an RV-12 that I will be helping with so I am reading and trying to catch up with you guys.

So will the pants be used on the LSA version or only the amateur built?

So I assume that speeds are around 114-115 now?