
Well Known Member
Congrats to Andy Johnson N564AJ RV-12 who was awarded for outstanding workmanship at OSH! Andy - where are some pics? The only post I could find was in the First Flights thread and those aren't working!

I had lots of judges come by Sweetie but - oh well, Andy, way to go!!!
I second the congratulations to Andy. It is great to see a builder get recognition, but particularly with an airplane built from a kit developed to the advanced level of the RV-12. Just goes to show there is still a lot of opportunity to to show some innovation and craftsmanship with an RV-12 build.

Not meaning to highjack the thread... (it is somewhat related)

It was exciting for everyone involved with Teen Flight to have a prop. card showing 14 judge signatures by the end of the week. We did not win any award, but if you know anything about the judging process, having been judged that many times is generally an indicator that you are at least somewhere in the upper rankings of the score charts (at least it has been in past years... anyone who is involved in OSH judging, please burst our bubble if this is no longer true)
Congratulations! That is great. I had ideas about having my airplane judged, but thought better of it after walking through the RV parking area and gawking at all the beautiful workmanship and fabulous paint jobs. If I had known more about the judging process, as Scott explained above, I might have entered anyway to see how far I would have gotten, but I was told by the lady at the registration table that it was a strictly go-nogo decision and there would be no feedback at all.

Anyway, I was glad to see '12 in the awards list. Way to go!
Thanks everyone. I didn't get many pics of the plane while at Oshkosh. It was my first time flying there, and it was a really special, and busy experience - The week went by so quickly as I was busy with friends and all the airplane stuff. I have included an in flight picture that is one of my favorites of the plane.

I didn't run into the judges, so I didn't get any feedback. I too was surprised that an RV-12 made it. I did look at quite a few nice RV-12's, and like the owners of them, I am proud of mine:). If mine had a strong point I think it would be the fit and finish, particularly of the fiberglass pieces. Its a really good kit that turns into a really good airplane.

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Speaking of recognition, I hope everyone saw the current issue of Sport Aviation, a nice photo of Johns plane in there. I have always admired Johns plane as an attractive finish.

Congratulations! That is great. I had ideas about having my airplane judged, but thought better of it after walking through the RV parking area and gawking at all the beautiful workmanship and fabulous paint jobs. If I had known more about the judging process, as Scott explained above, I might have entered anyway to see how far I would have gotten, but I was told by the lady at the registration table that it was a strictly go-nogo decision and there would be no feedback at all.

Anyway, I was glad to see '12 in the awards list. Way to go!
Way to go Andy!

I can attest that the attention to detail that you see on the outside of Andys plane is more than skin deep. His exceptionally nice paint (by Andy) and fiberglass work are standouts from my view. Well deserved award!:)

Well done Andy. It was nice to meet and chat to you on my wandering aroung the parking Lot. Trust you had a safe flight back home.

South Africa
I'd say that's more of an 'urban myth' than it is a some extent anyway. If an aircraft happened to park in a high traffic area then it might have more signatures on the prop card than if it was parked in the outer banks of the show.

If there were 18 judges assigned and a prop card had 18 signatures it could be that one group of judges may have suggested that others might want to look at that particular airplane......just sayin' :rolleyes:. I think this is what you are eluding to?

There must be at least 3 signatures on a prop card to win any award.

It was wonderful to see the Teen Flight aircraft at the show. I got to meet many of those involved and you all did a wonderful job completing the airplane. Thanks for bringing it to the show and congrats to all of you.

Congrats also to Andy Johnson for winning at the Big Show with his beautiful RV12.....a very worthy accomplishment if I do say so myself :)!!

It was exciting for everyone involved with Teen Flight to have a prop. card showing 14 judge signatures by the end of the week. We did not win any award, but if you know anything about the judging process, having been judged that many times is generally an indicator that you are at least somewhere in the upper rankings of the score charts (at least it has been in past years... anyone who is involved in OSH judging, please burst our bubble if this is no longer true)
I'd say that's more of an 'urban myth' than it is a some extent anyway. If an aircraft happened to park in a high traffic area then it might have more signatures on the prop card than if it was parked in the outer banks of the show.

If there were 18 judges assigned and a prop card had 18 signatures it could be that one group of judges may have suggested that others might want to look at that particular airplane......just sayin' :rolleyes:. I think this is what you are eluding to?

There must be at least 3 signatures on a prop card to win any award.

It was wonderful to see the Teen Flight aircraft at the show. I got to meet many of those involved and you all did a wonderful job completing the airplane. Thanks for bringing it to the show and congrats to all of you.

Congrats also to Andy Johnson for winning at the Big Show with his beautiful RV12.....a very worthy accomplishment if I do say so myself :)!!

Actually Rick, I was simply relating what had been explained to me many years ago by a couple of guys that did judging at OSH. They said that all of the airplanes that have scored high in there initial evaluations, have additional judges sent out to them to broaden the total # of judges that the final scoring average is based on. So that an award isn't based on just 3 or 4 judges scores. Basically, so that by the time a handful of airplanes have bubble out to the top as the judging comes to a close, they have all been judge by the majority of the judging staff. This helps balance the evaluations of all of the airplanes equally (averages out any tendency that might exist for a few judges that tend to score a little higher than average, and maybe another few that tend to score a little lower than average.

Things may have changed since then.
I know you have received some awards in the past. Have you had that happen with just 3 or 4 judges having looked at the airplane?

Thanks for the encouraging words.
So it wasn't a Gold Lindy (although someone from here won one,) but Eagle's Nest One came home with an award--the Brokaw Award for Perseverance. If you knew the whole story, you would know how appropriate that really is. Next year, with Eagle's Nest Two, we will be shooting for bigger game.

BTW, the Gold Lindy is a pretty impressive trophy. The one here was the Seaplane award, for a beautiful C-195 on floats.

Bob Kelly
Can't disagree with anything you said.

Also, keep in mind that depending on how many airplanes are being judged the judges will have lots of time or not much time to view the airplanes. If it's a slow year then you may get lots of signatures on every prop card and visa versa. Bottom line is I wouldn't say that just because a prop card has 'lots' of signatures on it means that it is 'in the running'.

By they way.....I'm am one of the jugdes so I do have a pretty good idea of how the system works. I'll add that as a builder I was very pleased when I found out first hand/up close and personal how the system works. I consider it to be extremely fair in every way, shape, and form.

Again, congrats on a terrific accomplishment.

Actually Rick, I was simply relating what had been explained to me many years ago by a couple of guys that did judging at OSH. They said that all of the airplanes that have scored high in there initial evaluations, have additional judges sent out to them to broaden the total # of judges that the final scoring average is based on. So that an award isn't based on just 3 or 4 judges scores. Basically, so that by the time a handful of airplanes have bubble out to the top as the judging comes to a close, they have all been judge by the majority of the judging staff. This helps balance the evaluations of all of the airplanes equally (averages out any tendency that might exist for a few judges that tend to score a little higher than average, and maybe another few that tend to score a little lower than average.

Things may have changed since then.
I know you have received some awards in the past. Have you had that happen with just 3 or 4 judges having looked at the airplane?

Thanks for the encouraging words.