
Well Known Member
Anyone planning a gathering of RV12 builders (present and future) at Oshkosh?

Sure hope so, it would be great to put some faces to names and just swap building tales and tips.

So, how about it? When and where? At least for a start how about a listing of who's planning on being there, when, where (if camping on-site) and maybe cell phone contacts?

OK I'll start: George Richmond, hope to be builder (wanna see one first), arrival and departure dates TBD, probably on-site camping with the Piper Comanches, cell:402-350-1915

OK, who's next?
OSH Meet

Weather permitting I will arrive just afternoon on Friday, and camp in the home-built area in my tent next to my RV6A

RV-12 tail and wings done, working on fuselage, finish kit pickup mid-
OSH Meet

Marty Santic has tried to get a few together, but have not seen a lot of action on subject to date.

I plan to be there Monday, maybe Tuesday depending upon how Monday goes.

John Bender ( Iowa )
I plan on arriving about noon on Saturday, the 25th. I'll be parking in homebuilt parking ( near row 330) in my RANS S-7S- its red and yellow, with a checkerboard rudder. Hope to see you other RV-12 builders there. My cell phone # is 303-506-6099. Steve
Hey Steve

Is that in a good area to see the airshow from ? Just spoke to George Richmond from Omaha. Maybe we can get together UNDER your wing to watch the show.

John Bender
OSH Meet

Will be flying in on Sunday (26) in a blue/white RV-10 (805HL) owned and piloted by two guys willing to take me along. Don't know at this time where we will be parked. Assume will be tenting by the plane. Be there for 3 or 4 days.

Alan Zwink, 308-383-1580
Is that in a good area to see the airshow from ? Just spoke to George Richmond from Omaha. Maybe we can get together UNDER your wing to watch the show.

John Bender
Hi John- It is a pretty good spot to watch from. You're more than welcome to join me, under the wing. Steve
Flying out tomorrow (Sunday), to arrive about 3PM local. White and blue Arrow N98JG, be parking/camping in the North 40. I'll be there all week. Hope to see some of you at the forums & programs. I'll be wearing my new hat that my wife made me, Arrow on the front, RV-12 on the back. Cell phone 518-774-4898. Also have amatuer radio handheld capability on 2M and 440.

Camping at Circle "R" Campground friday thur wednesday.
Gerry Chancey, VAF 172
RV-12, N6GC, Waiting for FWF Kit
Cub, NC88583
Meeting for the airshow sounds like a great idea. What do you RV12'ers say to meeting at the RV12, (assuming there will only be one there at a time, otherwise let's meet at the red one) at 2:00p each day, then finding a spot to watch the airshow and get to know each other? I, George, will be the vertically challenged, round guy with the floppy white hat. But I probably won't get there until Tues or Wed and staying for 3-4 days.

Looking forward to meeting you guys, See ya there!
