Wow, thanks Joe I have been very curious about that one. Not sure if I know any more or not, but are we supposed to assume that since his glasses were way back at the end of the runway, the canopy was not latched and this is another distraction caused canopy open deal? Just my guess, but I think they should have looked to see if the canopy was latched or not.
Remember not to speculate on this post ( rule two )

Read the report and draw your own conclusions
There Is a lot of information yet to come in the final report, we hope.

18 months is a ridiculous amount of time in my view to get a final report that may help prevent a like accident.

Remember not to speculate on this post ( rule two )
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I listened to the recorded frequency on liveATC for 30 min before the event and twice at the few minutes before. I never heard any radio calls but the helicopter. Maybe the NTSB has access to different recordings, or LiveATC has a high squelch level.
18 months is a ridiculous amount of time in my view to get a final report that may help prevent a like accident.

I assume you are referring to the April 19, 2016 Bay Bridge Airport (W29), Stevensville, Queen Anne's County, Maryland.

Long wait for final NTSB report...
RV-12 performance question

NTSB said:
The airplane impacted the ground about 225 ft southeast of the departure end of runway 15 ...
Just curious, how much speed and altitude can an RV-12 pick up in 225 feet?
Just curious, how much speed and altitude can an RV-12 pick up in 225 feet?

The wording is misleading.

He departed runway 15, and was 225 feet off the departure end of that runway, southeast ... the runway at KUMP is 4000' long, so he was 4225' or so from where he started the takeoff.

The wording is misleading.

He departed runway 15, and was 225 feet off the departure end of that runway, southeast ... the runway at KUMP is 4000' long, so he was 4225' or so from where he started the takeoff.
Doubt very much that a RV12 took 4000feet take off run to reach 225 feet. Must be wrong.
Based on the location of the checklist and glasses relative to the crash site along with the length of the ground roll I wonder if ....[ed. speculation removed. dr]
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