Piotr G

Active Member
Hi to All!
Two days ago, after several months of thinking, money calculating, (and talking, talking and talking with my wife (she likes planes on the pictures, on the sky, not in our garrage ;) i decided to order epmenage kit. It was really exciting and most important moment of my life. Yes it really was! From childhood i dreamed to build such big airplane model, which on it i can fly to the skies.... :) Now i am 44 years old, and i am preparing my workshop talking with my Authorities about documentation, watching DVD's from Homebuild Help and Vans, and this is the best moment do join to Your Forum. I am very glad to be here. :) So, i would like just to say Hello to All!

Still dreaming, but now starting to bring my dream to life at last :)

greetings, and sorry about my English

Piotr Grinholc
Warsaw, Poland
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Piotr, welcome to the good ship VAF.

Nice to see another international member:D

Good luck with the build, you have made a wise choice.
Welcome from the middle of the USA


A warm welcome from Nebraska. Although my heritage is mostly German, I was born and raised on a farm near the "Polish capital" of Nebraska, Loup City, Nebraska. At one time Loup City, Nebraska was probably 90% Polish. The town still celebrates "Polish Days" every June.

Good luck with building your RV-12. You made a good choice.
Thanks Boomerang :)

My family lives in western part of Poland, near German Border. We have some friends in Germany. And now, there is no borders at all in Europe. It is very nice to meet the friends without passports etc. !!! :) I know in the USA lives a lot of people with foreign roots. This is great.

Best to You :)
Hi Piotr,

Welcome from another international builder. I started my empenage kit earlier this year, and I'm sure you will have as much fun and challenge building your plane as I am.


Welcome aboard. You will find many helpful people on this site. I recently helped a friend complete his rv-12. We flew from Dallas to Oshkosh in a group
this past summer The rv-12 performed perfectly, really a nice flying airplane!

Best Wishes,

John Thach
And I second all of the welcomes. There is a lot of information here on VAF. Feel free to ask any question! Learn to use the search forum function. And take a look at some of the blogs. There are several out there that are good.
Welcome Piotr


Welcome to the wonderful world of Van's.

And your English is quite excellent. Definitely much better than most of our Polish.

Welcome Slavic Brother! What a beautiful country you are living in! I had a privilege to visit many times in the late 80ies-early 90ies (was stationed Gorodok by Lviv) and hope someday to visit again.
Good luck with your RV-12, you came to the right place.
Hi rgmwa, Ifly1,2, MartySantic, Nugget. Thanks for nice Welcomes :) Marty, i know your blog :) there is lot of interesting informations :)

Best to You! :)
Hi Vlad :) also thank You :) My Mother was born in Lviv before WW II. Nice city really, and i was there some years ago.

regards :)
Welcome, Piotr !

I married a little Polish girl, 59-years ago, and never regretted it ! (maiden name Grzeskowiak) She supports my building but doesn't want to ride in the planes...oh well ! Good luck in your project.
Hi Peter! The site is really helpful, you won't even have to ask about many things as most information is already here. But be careful not to spend too many hours reading, it's really addicting;)

greetings from Bydgoszcz
Hi, JohnF, handkas, Dave12 thank You so much for nice Welcomes :) It is great to feel be accepted in big Vans Family :)

Handkas, I know a litle ;) what You are talking about... Exactly after many hours of readig topics i made decision about Vans. I am afraid, more hours of reading = more planes built ;)
Its great to hear that you are following your dreams. I too had big dreams as a kid on the farm South Dakota in the 1960s looking up and watching the DC 3s (C47) airlines fly over every day . Now I stand in the same spot with my RV 12 on my own grass runway and feel it was worth all the work saving money and building. You will enjoy the build and love the airplane. There will be those moments when you wonder if you made the right decision ,but when your done and flying those thoughts will disappear.

Good Luck and welcome . Lots of good help hear.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
Hi Brad.
Thank You for the welcome :) Yes it is, when i was a small boy, i lived almost under 15 final to Okecie airport in Warsaw (EPWA). That was great! Such big metal birds over the head evert time. Now i suppose it was nice not for all people ;) Now i am an musician (as my mother and father ;) but there was no possibility to cure me from "aviation sickness" ;). I always dreamed to be a pilot the same as to be a musician. Now i have PPL(A), not bad reputation in my musical career (i hope;) , and some money from this, it is the time do bring my second dreams come true: build and fly on my own plane :)
Zindoubre! (Or doubre-zin??) Sorry for the spelling... :D

Most welcome and congrats with the decicion to build a RV! A very wise choice! :)

We have a couple of Polish friends who lives in Norway for the time beeing. They have told us quite a few things about Poland and it seems like you have a very beautiful country with nice friendly people!

On this site you'll find all the answers you need! I can say so, because I've experienced that myself. Building a plane far away from the US can be a challenge, but thanks to this site, that challenge is much easier to overcome.

Best of luck with you build from your "almost-neighbour" alittle further northwest... ;)
Hi Alf! Gudag! (I am also not sure about speeling;). Polish "Hallo" is "Dzien dobry" this can be of course write as "Zindoubre" :) :) :). Thank You for the welcome. In my opinion Norway is the most beatiful country in all Europe. I have lot of warmly feelings with my remembrances from Lillehammer. I was in this lovely city by the Mjosa lake several times. There was some years ago known music company called Scandex after Alex Mussik and Teddy's Mussik. Chairman of this bussines was Polish man. As a musician i was several times in Lillehammer for his invitation. He was really as my second father when i was 20 years old. He died allmost on my heands when i was next to last time in Norway. It was a sudennly hematencephalon (i am not sure the name of the sikness is correct) The last time when i was in Lillehammer was a funeral in the next two weeks, and i played the organ for him :(. I would like to be at his tomb someday... In Lillehammer i was in 1996 with my girlfriend, now she is my wife :), so there are really warm remembrances :)

Best to You :)
I have message from Van's. Empenege kit will be on 8th February at my door... Almost two months of waiting :(
I have message from Van's. Empenege kit will be on 8th February at my door... Almost two months of waiting :(

Perfect time frame to get the shop ready, order some tools, arrange some storage space for all the different parts and think about a scheme to organize the parts for easy retrieval.
Thanks!!! Yes, both of you are right! Yesterday, i ordered some tools from Aircraft Spruce. They had flood last week, near their business. I hope all is going OK now. I also decided to improve my garage workshop with new montage table, boxes for clecos, rivets and other small parts, and a good light and heating system (Now in Poland we have minus 15 Celsius it is about 5 Fahrenheit ;) so i hope 6 weeks will be enough ;)