
I was testing systems today (PAP G1-1) and every time I turned the Nav/Strobe switch ON in the AV-50001 Power and Switch Module the 5 amp fuse blows. Tried 4 times and had 4 blown fuses. No problem with the landing lights. Anyone in the forum had the same issue happen? I'll appreciate suggestions on how to trouble shoot or where to start.


Manny Enriquez
RV-12 Kit No. 120224
Replace the fuse with a 12 volt lamp. Then disconnect wires until the light goes out. Separating wing root connectors is a good place to start.
I read about an auto mechanic who could find short circuits quickly, much faster than any of the other mechanics. When asked how he found them so quickly, he said that he put a jumper across the fuse for a few seconds. Then he felt the wire until finding where its temperature changed from warm to cool. I am not recommending that method though.
Hi Manny,

Don't overlook testing the filter capacitor attached to the strobe power lead by the left wing connector in the fuselage. We found one shorted solid on a friends kit recently. A quick trip to Radio Shack for a replacement cured the problem.

I had the same issue when installing the Aeroleds to the tips. By disconnecting first one light assembly then the other I was able to narrow it down the right light assembly. If I insulated the light from the metal in the wing it worked fine. As soon as it contacted the metal wing the fuse blew.

I work for a commercial aircraft repair station and brought the offending light assembly to the electrical shop to have it looked at by someone more knowledgable than myself. He was able to determine that the light was internally grounded.

I contacted Aeroleds and they immediately sent me a replacement and asked for the bad one back.

I'm not saying that this is your problem, but your symptoms sound very similar to mine.
Joe, Alex and Steve,

Thanks for all you suggestions. I went to Harbor Freight yesterday to get a tester with a 12 volt lamp and found some help to pull the wings from the fuselage. I think I have a bigger problem. The comm radio and the AP (installed the SV AP Knob Panel) do not turn on. I'm afraid the Power and Switch Module (or parts of it) may have shorted out. I have not tested individual circuits while I'm contemplating the possibility of a larger problem.


Not likely a "larger" problem. There might be three separate issues. The AP panel might not appear to power up if it has not yet been detected by the Skyview Network. The comm radio might not be seated fully in the tray, etc, etc. Trouble shoot one problem at a time. If there is a common cause, you will arrive at it soon.
