
New owner of an RV-12. In the POH there’s a maximum crosswind component of 11 knots.
What does the following mean: Maximum Wind Limitation 30
Thank you.
The total wind velocity regardless of wind direction. For example a 30KT wind directly down the runway would meet that criteria, while providing a 0KT XWind component.
Airplane is very light with full-castering nose wheel. 30 knots would be difficult for taxing...
Does this also include winds aloft?

Do not fly if winds aloft exceed 30 knots, also, despite being calm at the airport?
Does this also include winds aloft?

Do not fly if winds aloft exceed 30 knots, also, despite being calm at the airport?

Nope! Just takeoff/landing/taxiing. Winds aloft are sometimes quite strong, and helpful if its a strong tailwind.
Does this also include winds aloft?

Do not fly if winds aloft exceed 30 knots, also, despite being calm at the airport?

Strong winds aloft aren’t a problem unless you are in or near the mountains. You could get into some pretty bad rotor, turbulence and down drafts when mountains and strong winds are combined. If you are in flat areas, then you just have to hope you don't have too much of a headwind!
Turbulence, terrafirma and interstellar space - all bad for little airplanes!��

If a Tesla can go to space, I can't see why it would be bad for an RV12! :) Just be sure to take a spacesuit with you!


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